Recent comments

  • Reply to: Breast Cancer Awareness Bullets?   12 years 1 day ago
    you so freaking dumb...
  • Reply to: ALEC Ratified the NRA-Conceived Law That May Protect Trayvon Martin's Killer   12 years 1 day ago
    How fast would Martin have had to run to avoid conflict with Zimmerman? Zimmerman pursued Martin, against the instructions of the police dispatcher. Martin had every bit as much right to "stand his ground" as Zimmerman. He was only trying to get home safely from the store, and here he was, being pursued and confronted by this self-important idiot with a gun. Standing his ground cost him his life. So much for an armed society being a polite society.
  • Reply to: ALEC Ratified the NRA-Conceived Law That May Protect Trayvon Martin's Killer   12 years 2 days ago
    The correct if then conclusion is as follows: If Treyvon Martin had avoided conflict with Zimmerman, he would still be alive. I have been confronted by pushy and not so nice members of neighborhood watch groups, both as a high schooler, college student, and a grownup. I have always responded politely because I was in their community. Treyvon martin picked a fight with a man who was on his own turf. That man had a right to question Treyvon Martin's presence. Treyvon Martin apparently chose to escalate when he had no moral high ground to do so. In the resulting fight, which was instigated by Treyvon Martin, a smaller and weaker Zimmerman did the only thing he could do to defend himself against a much bigger Martin and pulled his gun and fired. Zimmerman did not have the luxury of deciding where to shoot Martin, as Martin was on top of him and pummeling him.
  • Reply to: Fracking Industry Goes After Promised Land Film   12 years 2 days ago
    Unfortunately Promiseland is TRUE as is Gasland which can be watched on PBS Internet. I can say this because I have been poisoned with Methane/Natural Gas and I have all the test results and pictures to prove what is in my lungs, blood and my entire body are all identified in Methane/Natural Gas. I have pictures of all my cancers surgeries, tests, scans. YES FRACKING will the DESTROY the US and it's human and animal inhabitants. I inhaled Methane Gas, but Fracking is MUCH worse as it poisons the soil, water, eco system, water table and spread to lakes, rivers and streams. Cattle are dying from drinking toxic waste water from fracking and being tested across the nation, all test results show the toxic effects of fracking chemicals. If these cattle do not die, but sickly and cannot produce, will these toxic animals be put on the market for food consumption? WHY are Gag Orders being put on Doctors in PA so they can NOT release to their patients what is in their test results??? Cattle tests can be released, but NOT human tests, BUT animals cannot talk, but humans can. If you had cancerous toxic chemicals in your test results, wouldn't you like to know so you could start treatment? THIS is a Patients RIGHT to know their test results that they paid for. WHAT are the Gas Companies and Politicians AFRAID of to put these gag orders on the doctors? I am sending my story around the world anyone wanting a copy can contact me at: It is long, so I have to break it up in sections or it doesn't go through. Gerry Seger, Michigan
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Hearts Ayn Rand   12 years 3 days ago
    Why don't you disclose you left wing political association within your "articles"?
