I watched the Frontline program and was astounded by Breuer's glib prevarications. It was as if he, himself, didn't believe the lies, but like a crook caught red handed, he did his deceitful best to dodge the questions and to avoid detection. Anyone who has ever witnessed a liar trying to avoid getting caught could plainly see that LIAR was writ large on his despicable face.
The question I have is not if Breuer found a conscience and resigned or whether he was asked to leave, but why is Holder still the AG? He is ultimately responsible for the Justice Department and Obama is responsible for both of them. I say, impeach Holder (is that possible?) and then go after Obama. They have both colluded with financial terrorists to keep the culprits out of jail. Bring back Elliott Spitzer.
No really, ALL the stories are true. Sure Whole Foods is ranked in Forbes "100 Best Employers", but that's only for those in the Management/Corporate sector. For us regular workers it was fxcked. Using a dubious company-wide "team member vote" they increased the required hours to get those often-advertised benefits from 5,000 hours worked to 10,000 hours (meaning after ten years of full time work you get full benefits), while keeping most of us at the 29 hour a week mark to avoid having to label us "full time" and therefore avoid the whole benefits issue entirely. Ask anyone over the age of 30 who USED to work there and they'll tell you all about this messed up company.
Like Clarence Thomas, Johnson at least HAS had enough sense to keep his mouth shut, when any utterance is virtually guaranteed to do him and his ideas in.
The full weight of the law must be brought to bear on this voter suppression and gerrymandering! No democracy can tolerate or survive such underhanded tricks and skullduggery; but I suppose after all that is the intent. It appears what we are encountering is an assault on the will of the people; an absolute power grab. The right-wing American Legislative and Exchange Council (ALEC) whose members are predominately American businesses and right wing conservatives have for many years steadily pushed a secret agenda to undermine the people and the government at all levels. They have poured untold millions into their KGB-like tactics of perpetuating propaganda and disinformation. Due to their bought-and-paid-for lack of regulations they were allowed to buy too much of the public air waves. They have for many years sent out their disciples to wag their boneless tongues, to malign and denigrate all who opposed them in an effort to gain control of how people perceived government and divert their attention from what was actually happening. They have vilified any and all who stood on the side of the people and democracy and they continue to do so today. It is their plan to cripple and tear down every government agency that receives tax money from taxpayers. They want it all privatized so they can get their hands on that big pie. I believe that would help businesses and their shareholders rather than most of the people in this country. It is not enough that the largest part of the wealth pie in the last 20 – 30 years has gone to the top few; they now want more of it. We are at the point that big banks on Wall Street, big oil companies, and mega corporations are dictating to the states and the federal government what they can and can’t do. How does this scenario differ from fascism? As an old daughter of the American Revolution I know this is NOT what our forefathers fought and died for! I do not see this as anything other than sabotage of our democracy. The Justice Department needs to do a lot of investigating of ALEC. However, they will have to do a much better job investigating ALEC than they have investigating Wall Street. If we ever hope to end this ongoing concerted plan to undermine America we must continue to call out these enemies of America and demand they be exposed for what they are.
She also took advantage of our Socialist Medicare when she was able to. She's been shown to be a hypcrite of the highest order. What she wrote and how she lived are not similar.