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  • Reply to: Four States Introduce Keystone XL Resolutions, Lifting Language from ALEC and TransCanada Itself   11 years 11 months ago
    Dishonest "Drill, Baby Drill" Bone-her, All Keystone gas is destined for overseas Markets.. J.B. himself championed 3 GOP,--100% "No" Votes,- to send a single drop of Keystone Gas to North America! G O Pee does mean "Greedy, Oil, Pricks,"" "Drill Baby Drill""????? Right in USA Bum-hole!~ Graft = G O Pee, Piss, Poor, Party of Punks! Do Your Job Eric Holder, Barack Obama... Just like Alaska pipeline---all gas to Japan! Pat Attention White House!!
  • Reply to: Fracking Industry Goes After Promised Land Film   11 years 11 months ago
    How can you say that the truth lies somewhere in the middle? There is a great deal of evidence to indicate that this is just not the case. Why would the State of PA put gag orders on doctors? Why would people be stepping forward with illness that we have not seen prior to fracking? Why are farmers seeing 19 of 20 calves being still born? No, the statement "the truth lies somewhere in the middle" is a sentiment that allows people, such as yourself, a way to deny what is happening. We need to stop these greedy dirty energy criminals from further polluting the air, water and land. If we don't what will become of our children and grandchildren? What kind of suffering are we heaping upon future generations? Did you read the prior posts before writing your own? If so, how can you possibly tell a person who has been poisoned and had their health destroyed to calm down and let things sort themselves out. That's just the kind of attitude that has allowed things to go this far. Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Reply to: To Turn the Tide Against the NRA, Leadership Needed at the Top   11 years 11 months ago
    The US may lead the world in gun murders, but is solidly middle of the pack when you compare homicides. Unless you only care about gun murders or naively believe that these murders would not have happened in the absence of guns. As for the AR-15, you are more likely to be killed by someone's fists than by any type of rifle, of which the AR-15 murders are a subset of rifle murders. If you're going to go after guns, why not hand guns first since those are easily the biggest source of gun murders. But then you would have to come to terms with the fact that the states which have some of the strongest anti-handgun laws are among the states with the highest numbers of handgun deaths. This is FBI data that is freely available at the cost of a google search. I'm not going to do your homework for you. You go look it up yourselves. That being said, I suspect you are too lazy to do that just like most Democrats who are too lazy to do something like, oh say, go get a job.
  • Reply to: Americans for Prosperity Provides "Grassroots" for Controversial Wisconsin Mining Bill   11 years 11 months ago
    I beg to disagree with you. Click here for more information on the Minnesota Taconite Workers Health Study:
  • Reply to: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell": Concerned Citizen Uncovers Whole Foods' Policy on Selling Food Grown in Sewage Sludge   11 years 11 months ago
    Driving to work out in the middle of an agricultural zone, I noticed a huge area likely meaning one Washington State wheat farm was posted as it going to be fertilised by sewage solids. So think bread as well when it comes to sewage solids. I am looking forward to dust storms now.
