What does it take for you Congressmen and the President to get it. WE DO NOT WANT THE KEYSTONE PIPELINE tearing our country up so they can get their oil to the coast to be refined and sold to the highest bidder. Let them take it across their own country. They do have two different coasts, the same as we do.
This is absolutely crazy.
GMO engineering is creating a revolving door of food contamination, ill health and the risk of 'starwars' mutant evolution of the human species!!! Who benefits? The medical industry. Just as we created a industry of dependent gambling, alcohol and drug addictions to perpetuate a "trumped up" rehabilitation industries for these disorders.
We are ruining health, environment and ultimately the planet.
Seems the highest priority would be the containment of Fukushima radiation that's being dumped into the Pacific. That is going to affect the Pacific food supply. BP is still a slap on the wrist with no measures of protecting Gulf of Mexico food, either. They make the issue about CO2 out of a rush to implement policy because basic observations over time will no longer justify the "Geo-Engineering" our benevolent overseers have taken upon themselves to perform these past 15 years.
Oh dear...YOU are an environmentalist? Who is paying you to betray the environment, the Koch brothers?
This is the only way such a peculiarly poisonous solution would occur. I suggest you read a bit... Derrick Jensen would be a good place to begin to heal the wounds in your psychic tear.
Good luck my dear.
Thanks for pointing out so clearly that this, the XL Pipeline, is another of ALEC's agenda items. ALEC is nothing more than a corporate run front for buying legislation and owning members of state legislatures. I hope if people keep seeing "ALEC" popping up everywhere in the media, it will get their attention and they'll look into it, especially noting the mega-corporations like Exxon Mobile, Ebay, and Salt River Project that help fund it. People should also look carefully at ALEC's legislative members list and let their representatives know they won't vote for them if they continue to be puppets for ALEC.