It is the elitists and corportations and their agreed for money that is going to bring this country to its knees - the Middle Class at some point will show their force and stand up to these corrupt individuals and entities. It will be a very sad day for America. Today we are seeing capitalism at its worst.
I'd say you have it pretty covered, The End will come with the Gun registration all the rest of the gun bull is a deception just like Hitler and Stalin all they want is to kill anyone who is a rebel under the guise of terrorism (The most abused word of our time!) Once they get that passed they won't need anything else to confiscate them turning us into China or Russia or Mexico, Destroying the middle class and anyone who enjoys free speach is where their headed, It will start a revolution that they believe they can control with the drones and what have you. The free world is on the edge not just us! Boiling Frogs using Stockholm syndrome physiology they us outrageous bills to scare us when their #1 goal is "Universal Background checks" sounds innocent enough until you do a little investigating....East India ad for jobs in United States "No Experience necessary" The persons job your taking will be forced to train you!
Bill Gates at hearing we need the brightest and best! What Crap just ask any Microsoft, Honeywell, Blue cross people who can't find a job at McDonald's, Other non English people have those, So this is being sold as Immigration reform! We are all getting an education eh!