It is imperative that all like-minded freedom loving Americans' stand together to remove not only Scott Walker from office, but those who have (blindly) supported his agenda.
This is our land - take it back. Do all you can to get like-minded voters to the polls ...
On the other hand ... they may be making it illegal to vote for any person other than the office holder.
The "Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act" (AETA) A bill to insure animal and ecological terrorism and to perpetuate animal torture and ecological destruction.
Yes, I agree that our system of public education is in need of reform. Our world standings are less than what's needed to keep us competitive in today's world ... but to allow the privatization of public education, at the hands or likes of Rupert Murdoch, the Koch Brothers, and others of their ilk ... would be far worse.
What public education needs is serious reform. Dispense with the flowery things - get down to basics. By their 2nd year of high school our kids need to be geared to a life. Two trakcs would be offered: 1) on to college, or 2) vocational training.
If vocational - a wide-variety of options and chocies. Trades - clerical - medical assistants - and on.
If College - both general studies and prep studies. Prep being geared towards a degree program
This would allow our children to find their own comfort levels, and not forced to think that they have to get a college degree. For those seeking advanced learning and careers, less artsy stuff, and more of what counts.
Do it - or watch the wealthy take over.
I have taken advantage of every opportunity that has come my way to object to the genetic engineering of wild or farm raised salmon. The idea is appalling and the possibility that, if it IS done, it may not require labeling is criminal. People have a right to know what is being offered for their consumption and whether or not. it contains something to which they are allergic. I am flat out opposed to any GE food that has not been proven to be absolutely safe for human consumption and labeled as to what it contains. There have been so many non-native
species "escape" into the wild and do irreparable damage to our eco-system that the very idea of this type of "frankenfish" is just too horrible. It will only be good for the greed and bottom line of the industry,not for the world population or the environment.
PLEASE, don't allow this to happen.