This is NOT how a democracy functions! These right wing extremists are constantly talking about our founding fathers. The founding fathers would be up in arms over this.
Can't they argue -- all of the municipalities, that this is also taxation without representation?
Funny how all of the places where the Governor has chosen to impose the emergency manager 'law' are predominantly African American communities.
Time for a revolution -- and constitutional challenge
We can always expect the south to stick together. ALEC depends on ignorance to change America slowly to fear and hatred of Democracy. It is a cancer that eventually kills the American dream.
One thing I think should be recognized is the fact that when the tax base moves out into the suburbs they leave the residents holding the bag. The city has to appropriate a lot of money to sustain a large population. There are cost that the suburbs do not bear. Much of the money generated in the city also moves into the burbs. This is true for all cities. When all that is left is the poorer people it is difficult to see the kinds of revenues that make the city thrive. Detroit public workers do not make more than the public workers in the suburbs, but the taxes per resident is not on par. It's worng to blame the poor because they have to subsidize a large city by themselves and they don't make the salaries the suburbian residents do. Bringing in an outside consultant doesn't change that.
I agree with the article author. Let those good folks of Detroit work their own way out of the situation they got themselves into. After all this is just civil rights. Let the union members run the show. Good luck.