Recent comments

  • Reply to: As Supreme Court Hears Challenge to ALEC Voting Bill, Two More States Introduce It   11 years 11 months ago
    Why is it that the mainstream media has not brought information forward about ALEC and that most people in this country have no idea what ALEC is or what it does.. much less know that ALEC is NOT considered a lobby group and is exempt from lobby requirements... while lobbying away.. unfettered and protected. WHY WHY WHY!! What is wrong with this news report? What is wrong with this legal acceptance of something that is a illegal twisting of the rules of lobby.
  • Reply to: Consumers Allege Perdue's "Humane" Poultry Labels Are "False and Deceptive"   11 years 11 months ago
    Anonymous is seriously misinformed. Please pull your head out before making comments exposing yourself as a complete imbecile.
  • Reply to: Consumers Allege Perdue's "Humane" Poultry Labels Are "False and Deceptive"   11 years 11 months ago
    <blockquote>...This is dangerous to all human beings as meat is needed for active VB12 which helps your brain develop and to think rationally. Lack of VB12 the active kind found only in meat products causes irrational thinking and overly emotional response to situations is dangerous for all human beings."</blockquote> Sounds like you need to double up on those Double Whoppers! :-)
  • Reply to: Consumers Allege Perdue's "Humane" Poultry Labels Are "False and Deceptive"   11 years 11 months ago
    "It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." Full ADA statement at:
  • Reply to: SPN: Right-Wing Stink Tanks Pushing the ALEC Agenda in the States   11 years 11 months ago
    When I was conversing with a Facebook "friend" in Europe with same surname as me, I saw another comment/post from person with same surname stating there were none of same name in the States... so I looked at her FB page and to my chargrin, she works at SPN. I knew about them after having lived in WI as socialist democratic city/state growing up, and with all that went on with our Governor (Scooter), I read/researched about all the organziations that were sending propaganda about Walker's agenda. I never "friended" her and let people in Europe (one a very nice young gay man) what her views were. There are many such hidden groups (and I beleive thay are hate groups) that have been around for 40+ years, all because people like Koch's daddy become less relevant when his John Birch crumbled. Koch daddy and his boys then began their crusade to control churches, people and then governments after they hated Eisenhower building the middle class/closing the gap between the rich/poor. So we try to make ALEC less powerful, the .1%ers will just move more $$ into one of these other groups. We must be viligant!
