Can someone do better than this kind of moderating ... if you are going to have moderation ... then cut out the people who talk about other people "pulling their head out" ... can't we do better than Republican rhetoric here?
The requirement for vitamin B12 is very low, but it is essential. Non-animal sources include Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula or T-6635+ nutritional yeast (a little less than 1 Tablespoon supplies the adult RDA) and vitamin B12 fortified soy milk. It is especially important for pregnant and lactating women, infants, and children to have reliable sources of vitamin B12 in their diets.
Some educational materials for you at:
Let see who is going to prevail, in three venues: State Superior, Federal District and State Criminal, not limited to before State and Federal Grand Jury, State and Federal DOJ. What about if goes before the European Union judicial system / tribunal. What about if in the Worldwide news media?
US Securities and Exchange Commission mat want to revisit those quarterly and annual reports by PG&E Corp. particularly of disclosed "one time charge off" so the investors can see. (PG&E is and IOU) Are you, as well, one of the investors in this IOU?
Some educational materials for you at:
See you in before the Jurys's bench
State and Fedral venues.
Nick Panchev
A real name
Note: I do not utilize names, such as "Anonymous2: