What are YOU waiting for?
< Submitted by Auntieg (not verified) on April 10, 2013 - 6:48pm.
< I can't believe there's no petition to sign here!!!! What are you waiting for???
I can't believe that the Journal-Sentinel would ever discipline any employee that signed recall petition against Scott Walker. That newspaper has always been left-leaning.
I am trying to reach a large- diverse number of local groups. The Ohio branch of the Gray Panthers has stated that they are also against KXL and will be trying to get involved.
We know the jobs aren't going to be created here, how do we reach the local unions? My idea is to show union locals the job creation prospects from infrastructure repair in the state of Ohio- unlike KXL, which will create no jobs in Ohio if it is approved, infrastructure repair has the ability to create thousands of jobs for years to come in Ohio.
Organizations involved so far: OSEC, 350.org Toledo/Columbus/Cincinnati, Interfaith Power and Light, Gray Panthers. We will know whether the IWW is on board this Sunday.
Whom do we contact next and how do we show DC that, contrary to the statements in SCR 7, Ohioans do not support KXL?