It's about time the Bradley Foundation received some exposure for their actions as a so called non-profit organization. Their anti-public education campaign has done major damage to our previously exceptional national institution, and to the public good. This activity is self-serving in a covert way and not in the best interests of our country's future.
The excuses made by Reinhart and Rogoff are so lame that the administration at MIT should very unceremoniously toss them out on their keisters. If they were not lying about their intent, it should be clear that they are inept.
"Although Wisconsin still ranked 44th in the country in terms of job creation, the staggering economy had created 64,500 more jobs since Walker took office than previously known."
That's only true of people who had been comparing the difference in CES numbers between the start of Walker's term and the latest dates. Politifact, for instance, have been taking a different tack for some time: whole-year differences in QCEW data (December 2010 - December 2011 being the only one available at this time) plus the difference in seasonally-adjusted CES since then.
Because the CES' anomalous downturn was almost entirely confined to the second half of 2011, change trackers that use as much QCEW as possible have not been impacted much by the revision to the CES data.
On another note, the 64,500 figure is almost certainly slightly too high. The reason for this is that the CES seasonal adjustments have recently been rather higher than usual - last December's was 9,600 higher than December 2011's and today's preliminary figures for March have a seasonal adjustment 6,200 greater than last year's. Historically these adjustments are quite stable, just moving one or two thousand this way or that, so the current data are likely to lose that advantage once benchmarked.