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  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 10 months ago
    Your comments and questions are ironic, to say the least. You ask, "why do people, who are voting in a system heavily skewed to partisan redistricting, continue to support the very people who corrupted the system?" The answer is in the question itself.
  • Reply to: Creatures of the Dark: Wisconsin GOP Caught Deleting Records, Again   11 years 10 months ago
    why do the people in wisconsin keeo voting these people back in office time after time? a big complaint about walker and whenthe time came to vote him out, the people of wisconsin still voted him back in at the expense of people losing their jobs-and now look what you have. iknow this just doesb't happen in wisconsin, but hey we need to wake up here and get these people out of office-
  • Reply to: Bayer and Syngenta Lobby Furiously Against EU Efforts to Limit Pesticides and Save Bees   11 years 10 months ago
    from the article - "Operation Pollinator," in which the company proposes to provide payments to a few farmers to grow strips of flowers and other plants attractive to bees alongside their neonicotinoid-treated crops" This is a stupid idea. The neonics get into the soil and dust goes into the field margins. All that operation pollinator will do is attract pollinators to high toxic crops and margins. The half life of some neonics exceeds the 120 days set by the EU. Even Bayer admit imidicloprid has a half life of 288 days, IF you remove the toxic agricultural waste product (formaly known as stubble) from the field. Even Fera could not do a proper control bee field trial as neonics were found in their control hive next to the untreated crop. Residues and proliferation of neonics make it impossible for pollinators to escape or to conduct a proper field trial.
  • Reply to: Machine Guns on the Vegas Strip? In Nevada, ALEC/NRA Bill Introduced to Stop Cities from Banning Machine Guns   11 years 10 months ago
    Despite the long-time bans on civilian ownership of machine guns and armor piercing bullets, the NRA used the ALEC process to secure the ratification of "model" bills that would bar cities from banning "machine guns" and any type of bullet, regardless of how deadly or dangerous. So, your complaint is really with the NRA and the ALEC corporations that went along with the NRA's wish list and continued to fund ALEC for many years even though the shared ALEC/NRA gun agenda was well publicized among ALEC public and private sector members. Regardless of the federal or state laws barring certain types of guns or ammo, the NRA has worked for years to strike down or repeal or preempt laws it does not like, and ALEC has filed legal documents in support of the NRA's effort, as with the DC gun ban in the Heller case. So, it seems that the NRA' vision of what might become possible (such as the availability of machine guns) was different from what was allowed at the time it sought laws to expressly bar cities from banning things like, expressly, machine guns and restricting types of ammo, through ALEC's bill mill. ALEC, however, is continuing its efforts to try to distance itself from its decades of support for the NRA's agenda (the NRA even co-chaired ALEC's Public Safety and Elections Task Force, also known as its crime or criminal justice task force, for years). ALEC wants to make sure the public knows it disbanded that task force about a year ago and that those bills are not its current "policy." But, ALEC has done nothing demonstrable to undo to the damage done by its decades of peddling the NRA's agenda and urging that its bills become law. There is no public indication that it has called for all those bills to be repealed or put the same amount of effort into getting them repealed as it put into helping its former "partner" get them made into law. Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote documenting the relationship between the NRA and ALEC: "[A]t the American Conservative Union's CPAC meeting [in 2008], the NRA's Cam Edwards interviewed Michael Hough, ALEC's 'Public Safety and Elections Task Force' director/staffer, to discuss 'ALEC's strong relationship with the NRA and explain the support of gun rights and ownership.' "Hough told listeners that ALEC worked 'with our partners, the National Rifle Association' on the brief [in the Heller/DC case]. "He also described the fruitful relationship between ALEC and the NRA on issues like the Shoot First legislation [which in 2005 ratified the Florida law later cited initially to exonerate the man who killed Trayvon Martin], which ALEC and the NRA call the 'Castle Doctrine,' stating: 'Some of the things that we were pushing in states was the 'Castle Doctrine,' we worked with the NRA on that. That's one of our model bills we have states introduce and another one was the Emergency Powers legislation, which was enacted in a couple states . . . .'"
  • Reply to: Machine Guns on the Vegas Strip? In Nevada, ALEC/NRA Bill Introduced to Stop Cities from Banning Machine Guns   11 years 10 months ago
    the part you people seem to be missing is that some rounds by their very nature are armor piercing. there is already a ban on armor piercing rounds. but 30-06(one of the most common rounds in the US) will go through body armor and it's NOT armor piercing. Class 3 weapons(machine guns) are legal in NV, so whats the problem?
