Are you really pleased with the state now being 44th in the nation for jobs? The sentence accusing Dems from Illinois being bussed to Wisconsin shows right away that you will believe anything dished out to you. Those "protesters" were teachers, firefighters, corrections officers, social workers, police, and farmers... you know... those thugs who work for the benefit of their commnunities. And yours. Odd ball extremist my eyeball.
...a client is entitled to zealous advocacy but not fraud.
Deleting files after an order to produce is conduct unbecoming a lawyer.
Anyone can file a complain with the Wisconsin bar and should do so. If Michael Best & Friedrich were involved, the partnership should cease to exist.
Not exactly: what planet are you on? the dems did NOT bus people in from anywhere...if you read the papers, the ONLY people bused in here were from the republicans who were trying to screw up the recall petitions & were trying to get a few democratic senators recalled. They were even arrested for the crap they were trying to pull! The majority of WI is against Walkers agenda, but he bought and paid for his election and re election. You really need to step out of the fanatasy world your living in and quit with the are as bad as Walker & company! Or maybe you are paid by Walker to tell more lies.
Bull*hit. The vast majority of people at the demonstrations were from Wisconsin, which you would know if you would let reality intrude on the Walker-besotted lump of fat that sits inside the thick walls of your cranium. The very fact that you present this slipshod bit of GOP deceit as fact demonstrates that your opinion is worthless, and that you cannot be trusted to choose your own salad dressing, much less have a voice in any political process.