I'm sure that the errors discredit the entire work. What is debt, but money owed!! Why should it matter how much and how long you owe it and how fast you grow it, or how credit worthy the borrower is! Krugman et. all certainly understand this better than the rest of us. When you point out that you can't continue on this path of debt creation to stimulate jobs, because govt. created jobs are paid for by taxes paid by private business and private workers, and that public sector workers are paid for from the same taxes, and that stimulus spending is paid for by those same taxes, eventually! And when you eventually stop the stimulus most of those jobs disappear and you are still stuck with the debt, and as your debt grows eventually your interest rates to pay back from foreign borrowers rises because of the risk due to your rising debt( who would lend to anyone with such debt without greater compensation) or in the case of the Fed buying our debt it still has to be paid back(it actually does not just dissappear like Krugman would have us believe)(if that were so, why stop with $16 trillion, why don't we become the richest country in world history,just print $16 quadrillion)(oh, I forgot,I think it devaules your currency, you know, when that $2 you paid for that bread now costs $20, or that $80,000 BMW now costs $800,000)( or that house you bought that Barney and Chris said you deserve and you had no way to pay for but you have a right to actually causes someone else to work much harder to pay for because now that Fannie & Freddie take the loan and they are bankrupt and those that PAY TAXES are stuck paying back, and heck they are not even your relative so you don't have to listen to them moan and complain about the upkeep). Oh and why worry, you'll probably be gone, when the crash finally comes, its just our children who will be stuck with the debt, they can figure it out. Ah, we are this generation, and we just care about ourselves.
When a partisan linked firm called Command Central (that uses the eye in the pyramid as their logo nonetheless) run by a person who was fired from their previous job for refusing to take an ethics exam controlls all the voting machines (many of which leave no paper trail), it is foolish to assume that it is "the people" voting these criminals in.
I still find it amazing that many on the right still claim it was people being bused in from illionios, there was easily enough signatures for recall. Walker's saving grace was that many people didn't beleive that it should be done by recall, to claim its cause how popular Walker is a lie. Check his approval ratings now and when the recalled happened, neither were on the positve side.
The only people who think the protesters were mostly bused in from out of state are those who did not attend the protests and interact with the protesters. They were misinformed by Walker's corrupt government and chose to believe the lies. That is why Walker won the recall. He lied with TV ads for 6 months saying everything's fine, while we plunged from near the top in job creation to near the bottom and our school class sizes increased. And I still can't believe how many people don't know that several people were charged with felonies for spending their public employee time helping Walker, their boss in Milwaukee, campaign for governor. Somehow they set up a secret email system (read the court documents) and spent at least half their week campaigning, but their boss in the room down the hall had no idea? He's either criminally incompetent or completely corrupt. I say both.