I agree- if GMO salmon is approved, I will give up salmon for the rest of my life. No questions asked.
Maybe we could spread this idea (not that more people haven't already decided this).
<blockquote>And as far as funding these groups - whether it my simple $100 contribution or the revenues from conservatives like the Koch Institute..."</blockquote>
How inspiring that citizens of modest means are so eager to make a small but heartfelt contribution to institutions that do the fat cats' bidding, and that said fat cats could easily afford to fund all by themselves without any help from the little guy. Remarkable!
It restores my faith in...uh...it restores my faith in something, anyway. :-)
"Why do they keep electing them?" ... uh... you realize that the point of gerrymandering is to prevent the voters from being represented fairly, right? If it was as simple as majority rule with fair district lines, they wouldn't elect these crooks.
Re:" When you point out that you can't continue on this path of debt creation to stimulate jobs, because govt. created jobs are paid for by taxes paid by private business and private workers,..."
is the tax payer myth.
The govt creates money but businesses use money.
Only deficit funding grows the economy and after 1971 USA is free to deficit spend without restrictions of the old balance
(tax = spending - "govt_debt"),
and change to the new balance
(Federal Deficits = Net Private Savings+ net imports).
Govt and private sector are on opposite sides of the equation.
In short, (govt debt) is (peoples' anti-debt) and (govt surplus) is (peoples anti-surplus)!
USA does not need to depend on taxes to fund anything. All deficits end up as private wealth anyway. All the above have been proved with real data from the treasury and fed.
The debt ceiling is totally imaginary after 1971 even though it gives an opportunity to the congress to do nothing.
If spending is cut and taxes increased, the economy will suffer a depression.I repeat once more: Govt debt is peoples' savings. People own the money and collect interest. The govt has borrowed the money from itself and has to do NOTHING. The fed and treasury are both arms of the govt. See this plot of deficit vs. GDP in
Did R&R use the old balance in addition to cooking excel?
When media report on inept or corrupt government agencies or corporations, why not name names, so that readers know specifically who the members of those agencies or corporations are. Personal embarrassment may be a stronger motivator than the remote threat of legal action is.