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  • Reply to: Having Spent Millions Influencing Three Branches of Government, Kochs Look to Buy Fourth Estate   11 years 9 months ago
    The John Birch Society/libertarians have been trying to ingratiate themselves into mainstream politics since the 60's - 70's. Typically they were regarded as third party candidates at the local, state and national levels. However, they are no longer on the fringe as a third party but are represented in local, state and national levels as Republicans with an agenda with the mantra "my way or the highway" kind of thinking. If you look at the more than thirty states with a republican governor and legislature you will find the same bills regarding abortion, election laws, state funding for all businesses, emphasis on charter schools, dismantling what little unemployment benefits are available and a deemphasis on those who need support due to the present job market etc. For God's sake, make these people accountable and transparent who are trying to dismantle our way of life based on their ideology, wealth and social mores to be the norm for our country. The Koch Brothers may have many billions to buy local, state and national elections, but I truly believe they cannot and will not buy the American people at any price. DO NOT SELL YOUR PAPERS TO THE KOCH INDUSTRY. Thank you. Emma Rashinsky Florida
  • Reply to: ALEC Covering Tracks in Advance of Oklahoma Meeting   11 years 9 months ago
    CMD and its supporters should take photos of every state legislator that walks thru the Center doors and confront those legislators with their photos at their local town meetings and in Letters to the Editor of newspapers in their states. A little sunshine is good for their sold-out-to-the-enemy's souls!
  • Reply to: Did Backlash Against GOP Voter Suppression Increase Black Voter Turnout?   11 years 9 months ago
    GOOD, glad to see the minorities get their right to express their opinions via voting. They have been held back way too long via stupid selfish people.
  • Reply to: ALEC Covering Tracks in Advance of Oklahoma Meeting   11 years 9 months ago
    The greatest obscenity plaguing our culture is the abuse and control committed by the wealthiest 1% of the country. Granted, not all of them, but many do. Take for instance, the Koch brothers. They have no qualms about buying power, control, legislation and the like. They have no conscience, thus they are narcissistic creeps. Sociopaths! For they care for no one except themselves. The other great cancer on our culture is the organization ALEC. They are so mean and anti anything that calls for human care for others. Far too many from state legislative bodies belong to this creepy group of "let them eat cake" representatives. Why do the people continue to elect these persons to their state houses? It is not transparent. Most of the new legislation in many states was negotiated among members of leaders of this organization before passage in state houses. CLANDESTINE is the true definition of their modus operandi. Then there's the NRA, which has some good people on its membership rolls, but the leadership continues it's lies to the public about how this administration is going take guns from them. Though I do not own a gun, nor do I want to, I fully support those who can demonstrate responsibility. Hence, background checks, limits on automatic war rifles, and limits on magazines capacity. No ONE needs this kind of fire power!
  • Reply to: Did Backlash Against GOP Voter Suppression Increase Black Voter Turnout?   11 years 9 months ago
    You are correct -- I was relying on old data. Thanks for the comment!
