all the issues. Sure you stop true "junk" food purchases but again the program was designed to help struggling families not provide them with all organic/craft foods. I have let to hear anyone address why they advocate for these people to be able to get all organic/brands yet those paying taxes to support the program cannot afford those themselves. I can speak from experience that these guidelines as well as say the food share program are much to lax. When you can walk out with sushi and a bucket of cold chicken in addition to what free things you get from wic there is a serious problem.
"Anonymous" should not even be printed here because he/she is not willing to stand up under their own name. Come out from under your bridge, troll.
The prohibited foods are often CHEAPER than the required foods, and are definitely more healthy. Do T9i want to pay more money to treat medical conditions like heart disease, celibacy disease, and tickets? And for those who have food allergies and couldn't work if forced to eat these foods? This is yet another example of the corporate food lobbies paying off the legislature. And forcing kids to drink cor--syrup-laden drinks instead of real juice? By brand name? "Juicy Juice" gets profits from the taxpayers while we pay again forth health problems of obesity.
I have a severe dairy allergy, making it impossible to consume any milk product. So I use my FoodShare to get soy or almond milk. How exactly does that make me a bad person who is somehow abusing the system? I drink alternative "milks" because I have to, not because I want to. I'm not being fancy. I'm just having a damn bowl of cereal.
Besides, it's not as though people on FoodShare who buy these "fancy" or "junk" items are allotted extra credits for them. The "milk" I buy is more expensive than cow milk, so I have to budget my FoodShare accordingly, generally sacrificing any non-essentials and relying more on bulk/frozen/canned goods rather than fresh. Again, what's the problem? I'm trying to stay healthy by eating things that don't make me sick (and, thus, unable to be a productive member of society). I have several friends with similar problems-- celiac disease, medically-required reduced consumption of animal fats, and so on. Go ahead and prevent FoodShare recipients from buying junk food-- nobody should be eating that crap, let alone on the State's dollar-- but restricting eggs to "white only?" Give me a break. If people want to eat fewer foods because they purchase more expensive items, let them. It all comes out even in the end.
Not sure how they do it but all you have to do is take a trip towards the north side and you can see small liquor stores that will go as far as having signs saying they accept WIC/food share etc. Again even alcohol aside there is no reason the taxpayers should be paying for food for those living off the goverment they cannot afford to buy themselves. The guidelines should be strict, exceedingly strict, on what can and cannot be bought with their essentially free food. Organic/brand names are not required to live and that is what people fail to understand. Furthermore there needs to be verification these people are looking for work, trying to better themselves etc. instead of just collecting checks so i am all for that as well. I personally hope that if this comes into law that the punishment for not following guidelines would be having those benefits stripped. I can't believe we even need to have this argument where those getting handouts are complaining they can't get enough free stuff. I think a stop in Milwaukee would be good for you just so you can seeing what our tax money is buying these people