you are an idiot because you indicated this bill would keep people from getting beer and cigarettes with their food stamps which is something they already can not do.
Annonomous, if you know someone getting $200 a month in food stamps just for himself it's because he has no income or if he has income it is going out on medication expenses which is deducted from his gross income. Don't judge something you know little about.
into the system is the selfish idiot not those complaining about the quality of their free food? LOL you are an example of what is wrong with so many people today
If you have a medically proven reason you can't eat something ok that is one thing however if you just prefer this to that then that's an issue. There is no reason that you, or anyone not just picking on you, should be eating say soy milk,organic eggs etc. while the people paying taxes into that system cannot afford to it that. There comes a point when you have to think that those living off the tax payers are living better then the taxpayers and that's where we are today. Things need to be cut back from food choices to funding, you know i know someone who gets $200 a month for groceries and that's just for him lol i spend less then half of that.
The portion of this bill relating to gluten-free bread is a violation of the American Disabilities Act. Someone should put the sponsors of this bill on notice with regard to this violation. How - embarrassing!