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  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 9 months ago
    I find it rather funny how many people seem vehemently angry about the poor receiving benefits wherein they still have some degree of freedom to choose what they eat. I'm actually rather proud that I help those who cannot help themselves simply by paying my taxes, and particularly proud that recipients are given the dignity of choice. If you are a Christian (or even just pretend to be at Christmas), try to remember that charity is a virtue, and paying your taxes is the least and laziest you can do to help. It's also worth noting that programs that reduce poverty also reduce crime and disease, so if you're not a Christian and instead believe in might-makes-right objectivism, you're still benefiting from these programs by buying a safer, more stable society. These restrictions aren't a big deal, but the more we treat the poor like animals, the less dignity we have ourselves.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 9 months ago
    I am so amazed at people calling others on Foodshare 'lazy' and 'go get a job'. I have three PT jobs, and also two kids. The benefits that I get doesn't just go towards what I eat, but towards what my kids eat as well. Why should they not have a choice of eating healthy food items because they are poor? Don't you want them to be healthy individuals, who would grow up to not be struggling with poor diet induced diseases? Seriously! Are we living in a society or what? Do you also complain about your tax dollars going towards roads that you probably would never drive on? How about keeping a track of all the places where you don't drive and then complaining about your tax dollars going towards it. Or how about making sure the city is putting out more fires in rich neighborhoods, because I am sure they are contributing more towards the tax money. Most food share recipients are either the elderly or little kids and child poverty is highest in the US compared to all other industrialized countries. Read something and get educated before you start complaining about 'lazy poor people' with multiple jobs struggling to make ends meet. I have no problem with restrictions on junk food, but what about kids who are lactose intolerant, 'American cheese singles' are not healthy either! Not to mention that being jewish, we can only eat food that is kosher and with all these restrictions, we would have to plain eliminate certain stuff from our diet, or pay it out of pocket, which would put strain on all other aspects of our lives. But of course, because we are poor, we should be happy that we are even getting food and then be subject to all health issues that come with poor diet, because we had the misfortune of being poor. Too bad right. Seriously what kind of selfish, self centered people are you?
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 9 months ago
    Use some logic, friend. Not every person who gets benefits is this cookie cutter image you speak of. If I get a job, I will have to get childcare. Childcare is extremely expensive, it would take my entire check and would not leave my WORKING husband and I with any extra - but it would take away from ME raising MY children and would be paying for strangers to do it. How does this make ANY sense? Here, take my money AND my precious time with my children.... I'll go exhaust myself for no reason. Sorry you are too proud to receive benefits, but if you are working you are paying for those benefits via taxes. Not to mention the years and years I DID work before having kids, and also put toward that. If I am receiving benefits to help me raise my family, I don't want to feed them generic brands all the time. Do you know what cellulose is? It's WOOD PULP, and it is what the generic brands use in place of "expensive ingredients" to keep the price down. If I am getting help to raise my kids, I am going to do the best damn job I can do...and I'm sure as hell not feeding them wood pulp. Quit whining and grow a soul
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 9 months ago
    Impeach the idiots!
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 9 months ago
    You have just shown us that as a freedom loving American you enjoy the right to have a choice. People that receive food assistance have a much, much, smaller budget than you. Just because they can buy better things than value brand food doesn't mean they actually do. I've seen first hand the idiots who waste what they have, yet they were much more rare than the people who clipped every coupon, stocked up at every sale, and shopped smart. The second thing you have shown is your poor reading comprehension ability. "Quit whining and get a job", are you serious? Did you read the same article as me? It points out that 858,000 people from WI are on food stamps, and that Walker has failed to create the 250,000 jobs he promised since 2010. That means a solid 1/3 of the people on food stamps who more than likely want a job can't even get one because jobs are unavailable. "Quit whining and get a job" has to be the most insulting thing you could say to your fellow Americans who are making an honest struggle to get by.
