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  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    You need to work smarter and spend more wisely so that you too can enjoy organic eggs and milk. They are better for you and for growing children. Our son and his family are organic farmers providing great foodstuffs at farmers' markets and through a CSA. Don't prevent anyone from buying their excellent products.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    The very first paragraph of the Wisconsin WIC Approved Foods list says Organic foods are permitted. So, I'm very confused where you deducted they're not allowed under this bill.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    OK, I agree that there are those who abuse the system and there are those who do not. To those who do not, I have no issue paying taxes to help, but I really don't believe that soda, chips and other assorted "junk" should be paid for with tax dollars. On the same hand, I think it is plain stupid that toothpaste, toilet paper and other hygiene products are not included. What I believe to be fair and just, is simple. Dairy, produce and select meats (no steaks or "low grade" meat). If you want cheap burger, hot dogs, etc., you need to buy it with your own money. If you want Oreo cookies or Froot Loops or juice boxes... buy it.. with your own money. I am willing to help with food that is not filled with a list of ingredients that I cannot pronounce. To those who do abuse the system... You are the scum of the earth. You take from those who actually need the help. GET A JOB! Now for the reason I believe our elected corporate sponsors say that brown eggs and sharp cheddar are not to be included... in one word, Monsanto. If you want the system changed, then you need to change the system. Stop electing corporate sponsors.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    This bill is an embarrassment, organic food is NOT junk food. Despicable.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    Like you, I have often been reduced to purchasing bargain brands because of funds - and maybe a few years ago, would have written a post such as yours. I think that now, when we have seen the problems junky processed foods wage on our population in regards to obesity, diabetes and other health concerns, that letting those on assistance choose more healthy options is really in OUR best interest. The poor will only get sicker -and require more assistance - if they can not choose better options. That means more costs to you and me in the long run. Yes, working folks can not always buy "organic" or "free range" and I doubt many folks on food assistance still won't either because of the cost; they will want their SNAP funds to go further. But I think this law will only relegate people into having to eat unhealthy food.
