Your ignorance and lack of compassion are absolutely astounding. You're bitter that you can't afford to buy food that you like, so you think everyone else should suffer, too? Here's a about you try putting some effort into improving your community and your state in order to help promote job growth, rather than trying to punish people who have a difficult enough time making ends meet as it is. Being on foodstamps does not automatically imply laziness. That's called a stereotype and, like most stereotypes, it simply isn't true. You should stop watching Faux News long enough to find out what's actually going on in the world around you, instead of assuming that anyone who uses foodstamps is somehow inferior to you.
Why is providing anyone with organic foods something that "needs to be addressed"?! You have a problem with people being able to make their own food decisions? With someone deciding they don't want pesticide-laden food? Or milk with growth hormones? Or eggs from factory farms with increased incidence of diseases/antibiotics?
Or, like your gov and legislature, are you simply desiring to back the corporations behind the allowed foods to increase their profits from "your tax dollars" while screwing your small-business neighbors?
are for the canned food and other groceries some of these convenience stores carry... they are NOT for liquor or cigarettes.
If people are only allowed the bare minimum in nutrition (or, indeed, you aren't buying the best available nutrition for yourself), this can directly cause health issues that will have to be addressed at greater taxpayer cost down the road. It's a much better investment to ensure people have the opportunity to eat as healthfully as possible.
There are already checks in place to periodically determine who is eligible for food stamps... even people who work can be eligible if they fall under a certain income threshold. people who complain that they can't afford to buy groceries should look into it.
Except that no one is able to eat whatever they want.
You get a budget. A limited amount. I highly doubt an individual got $200, but even if they did, you honestly think habits like that are going to make that last? I've bought groceries on $200. Cheap bread, milk - the most expensive things I buy are TV dinners only because they're easy to take to work with little prep (since half the time I don't have time to make lunch the night beforehand). By the time I'm done with monthly shopping, I have $50 left. Which I have to save to refill on the stuff that'll go bad in a week.
If you can live off nothing but bread and water, I pity you, because that's a terrible diet and just because someone is poor does NOT mean that they should be subsisting on absolutely no nutrition. This isn't a third world country.
Besides, the point is, and that YOU don't see to get, is that this list forbids foods some people HAVE to eat. Someone just told you they're lactose intolerant - which, a LOT of people are lactose intolerant. It's not a rare disorder. A lot of people are allergic to gluten. Those people have a hard enough time affording food they can eat, let alone if they're impoverished.
If you're that hurting for money, apply for food stamps and stop whining. How dare your money go towards helping some people - you read an article one time about a single person abusing the system and so now NO ONE gets anything! If this law wants to limit junk food, it should do that. Soy milk ISN'T JUNK FOOD. Nor is it that much more expensive than regular milk.
Juicy juice was found to have unsafe levels of arsenic. Bulk dry beans are cheaper than packaged. Humane and organic products benefit the producers, the animals, and ultimately all consumers. Making poor people less healthy is going to cost more in the long run and is purely to the benefit of our highly supplemented factory farm system and pharmaceutical companies. GMOs remain untested and cheap value brands are paid for with corporate welfare. Follow the money! This isn't about healthier food and supporting local agriculture, it is about funnelling more public funds into the pockets of multinational corporations.