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  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    If you fall on hard times you'd be forced to make sacrifices. If sacrifices aren't made what benefit is there to get back up? And why can't "cheap" food be healthy? They're not saying you can't buy bananas, and eggs, and milk and apples. Y just can't get the top of the line organic. If you want first class, you should have to pay for it.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    I don't understand food stamps never been on them but what I do know is you get a certain amount of money that only works on food items each month when its gone its gone. For one I totally get that some peoples dietary needs are different than other people, I drink soy milk I buy the shelf stable packages from the dollar store because they are lower calorie than even skim milk and the smartest because I only eat it on cereal, and I eat egg beaters because its low calorie, and I don't see punishing those with dietary restrictions and I would love to see people on food stamps trying to take care of there health through better eating if they want to eat healthy and loose weight let them, when people care for themselves risks associated with unhealthy diet or being overweight such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease, kidney disease, etc all goes down and you might be able to get off medication(s) health care costs go down and if there on food stamps there probably also getting assistance with there healthcare too. I don't know exactly how food stamps work but I know different food goes on sale each week and I am not sure if people on food stamps can use coupons but sometimes coupons and/or sale prices makes certain name brands of foods or foods like chocolate milk cheaper and smarter than buying plain white milk if your kid drinks it why make it when you can get it cheaper on sale, and the powder or syrup to make chocolate milk, sometimes chocolate milk is actually cheaper than WHITE milk especially the way the grocery stores run sales and I am sure people with food stamps try and maximize there food stamps, of course there are always going to be people who spend them foolishly but once its gone that's there problem. I know WIC is a whole different program but I also noticed when I go to some stores there are foods that say "WIC APPROVED" and they usually tend to be cheap, if you want a good price look for the WIC sign its usually the cheapest but some weeks another brand is a cheaper choice than the WIC approved, because of like a sale or a rollback or there's like a multi-pack of canned vegetables that would be cheaper, and its like well this would want people who are on WIC to get whats on sale for less.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    It figures that Walker's cronies would do something this stupid. Potato chips, candy, frozen pizzas are junk. Organic foods, non-dairy milks, and brown eggs are healthy.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    Other than pure, simple resentment, why do you care what someone spends their food budget on? Some people are driven crazy by the mere thought of someone getting something they have, without paying the price they paid. "Taxpayers" aren't paying for food they cannot afford themselves. If they're unable to afford a food budget comparable to Food Share, their incomes are so low that they wouldn't be taxpayers in the first place. Because there are children involved, the restrictions on WIC purchases are reasonable. But if an adult decides that he's going to buy a free range steak one day and live on mac & cheese for the rest of the month, what business is it of yours? Why do care if they eat 3 brown eggs instead of 4 white eggs in a week? Why the resentment? It borders on pathological. In the grand scheme of things, Food Share is costing you a pittance. Better to scrutinize the spending habits of other pirates. You can begin with the defense dept. Government imposed faux-charity should give no one the right to dictate another adult's personal dietary choices, as if they were children. People are perfectly capable of taking personal responsibility for the consequences of failing to sensibly budget their food dollars, regardless of whether that dollar was earned or not. But there's a huge psychological dynamic going on with conservatives that spans all social safety net programs. In their ideal world, recipients would grovel on their knees before them and maybe even lick some boot leather. That would so much more gratifying, even more so than displaying righteous indignation with restrictions on beneficiaries. Alas, groveling and boot-licking is out of fashion nowadays. So micro-manage their lives instead.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 10 months ago
    So did they actually call it junk, or are you just sort of making that assumption as it looks like they may limit more expensive brown egg options? Not saying limiting becuase of $$ amount is a good idea either, but I would like to see the actual statement that says Brown Eggs are junk food.
