So, you should cite the person making the comment, place a comma before the quote and add three dots within quotation marks and following the excerpt — also within quotation marks. And LOL , being an abbreviation , should be capitalized.
Careful with the stones you throw from your glass house. It may be raining.
And now back to the actual topic: cutbacks and redefining what's allowed under food assistance.
The link provided in the article only provides an abbreviated/edited version of the actual bill. In order to get the complete version, one would need to spend some time at the WI government's legislative website. And good luck with that. And then there are the amendments, which may or may not change the actual bill.
Isn't government for-profit fun?
Since juicy juice is 100% juice and nothing else,(according to the label,) then your point about syrup laden 'juices' is moot in regards to it. Neither do you establish your unproven claim about the juicy juice manufacturer.
Of course you 'didn't see it', because the link provided has been sanitized for 'their' protection. It's an edited/redacted version of the bill.
Here's the more salient link:www. Also can navigate to the PR Watch website and view the article entitled "Walker Pushes Budget Deal Only ALEC Could Love." And an exerpt:"Wisconsin ranks 42 in job creation in the United States, a figure that is deeply out of synch with the Upper Midwest and most of the nation. With an ALEC-inspired agenda that will have zero impact on job creation, Wisconsinites are in for more hardship." That part comes after a section of the article where it alludes to how the Koch addicts are curtailing access to information about WI 's current 'government.' The limited details on the bill provided hint at less to be forthcoming from administration in Madison.
All consumers are ignorant and stupid if they believe they are not consuming some type of genetically modified food on a daily basis. Just about EVERYTHING we consume has been genetically manipulated in some way, whether it is a fruit that has been selectively bred to produce the best taste, or whether a gene has been physically manipulated. Did you know that WHEAT is a genetically engineered product? Many FRUITS and VEGGIES have been selectively bred to produce the best look and taste, as well as being genetically modified to become resistant to bugs and pesticides. Wake up you fools. Labeling products as "GMO" is A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY!!! WHY spend millions of dollars on new food labels and packaging when EVERY PRODUCT YOU CONSUME IS A GMO IN SOME WAY?! Stop being so ignorant. This is a HUGE waste of money, however it would be a hilarious wake up call to all of the idiots who believe that they do not eat any genetically modified foods.