I used to work for WIC. They will only reimburse the grocer for a reasonable price. So I would guess that's why the WIC cereals etc. are reasonably price.
I have a heart problem and need a special diet. Snap has no right to tell me what to eat especially when it clashes with my doctor orders. Who are you people who so cavalierly decide what is right for others to eat? Pigs. Big fat pigs. In Texas, anyone making less than $1000 a month from S.S. receive $16 a month to live on. This country has real problems. They won't feed us but they won't let us die either. They are slowly starving many of us to death. The county clinic will pay $500 a month for stomach meds because I can't afford to eat and have an ulcer. Does any of this make sense to you?
I do. It's incredibly easy and cheaper and better for you. The food companies pick quick and easy stuff to make (they don't want to spend time and money on making it) and sell it for a high profit. Plus they put a whole lot of garbage preservative and flavorings in it.
And making it yourself is as easy as paying much more for pre-made food.
Mac and cheese is macaroni, powdered cheese or grated cheese and butter or oil. Boil the macaroni, add the cheese and oil. Just like the pricey packaged stuff that costs a lot more.
I'm glad I'm independent from the food made by mega clogomorates. It's economic freedom for me and better food.
It's sad that people can't cook the simplest of foods.
This behavior is morally reprehensible, ethically unaceptable, and if this is what America is to be, I am ashamed my country and the 2 combat tours I served in her military. If bribe, bully, and strongarm tactics are to be condoned what recourse does civil society have?