Please make sure that Our National Constitution includes A GURANTEEDED RIGHT TO VOTE FOR EVERY USA CITIZENS. Anything less is uncivilized and inhumane.
Thank you so much for attempting to resolve this current grave national issue!!!
No elected officials should ever treat any of its USA Citizens as if they are less than human or as if they are not citizens of USA that have fought and died for the very purpose of having the right to vote. A guaranteed right to vote for every USA Citizens under the USA Constitution should resolve our national disgraceful acts by our national Elected Congressman and State Legislatures.
Wisconsin food theory is quite different from others if you would have read it.
Milk wont be a junk food with eggs
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I fear that you may have missed the point of the article. It's about having *healthy* food options restricted. I understand your concern for junk food. But having healthIER, organic food as banned food is just silly, especially since healthier food makes for a better diet --> healthier person --> less of a drag on the social services system.
Kudos to you for starting your own business, by the way. Not everyone has the capability to do that right now. Some people are planning on doing that in the future, but can't for now. And many of those people, for the mean time, are on food stamps because they can't afford the regular costs of food. I actually just started my own business as well, and I used to be on the "stamps". Give folks a chance. Don't criminalize/judge just because they are poor. It could happen to anyone.
Best of wishes to you and your enterprise.
So you couldn't really afford to go to law school (with a growing family, no less), but instead of working and saving your money and then going or getting loans which you'd pay back on your own, you let all of us help fund your education so we'd have another lawyer in the world? I think I need to throw up.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura noted the role of the Demopublican two-sides-of-the-same-corporatist American one-party system:
'I believe the system is so corrupt, the two parties have corrupted it so bad, . . . there can’t be any change. . . I don’t distinguish between the two because it’s very much like pro [theatrical] wrestling. You (give) interviews on TV like you hate each other, to draw crowds and attention and make money. But behind closed doors, you’ll go out to dinner with each other. Well, the Democrats and Republicans are the same way. They’re not adversaries; they just make believe they are to the American public.' (quoted in Edwards & Brynaert 2010).