When you have to reach back to the post- Civil War era to make a point about Democrats I think that says it all. This writer should certainly brush up on his history, both past and current. The Republican Party (on the State level) has done more to suppress votes recently than all other groups put together in the history of this country. Revisionist history is a favorite of the hypocrites who currently comprise the base of the GOP.
"The Democrat party, the founders of the KKK..."
Yeah. Funny how all the Klan-type people found a welcoming new home with the Republicans when the Democratic Party got too civil-rightsy for them, wasn't it?
"Voter ID, which will win Pennsylvania for Mitt Romney -- done!" Now you mention it, I believe I heard a Democrat say that. Yes, I remember that very clearly. I think.
All of which leaves a broad definition of "politically motivated violence" open to interpretation. In Chicago that was used to define even peaceful protesters based on what law enforcement thought they might--might--do. Any assemblage of people gathered in protest can fit the description.
Wow!!! talk about far right wing nuts jobs. Apparently you can't read. It was the FL repubs that hired a company known for suppressing the vote by getting voters thrown off the list of elegible voters. It was online, on TV and radio.
Shame on PBS for having no backbone. Now that the Kock's have got them in their pockets the price will continue to skyrocket until PBS is no more. I never watch one single thing that has the Koch name on it