I have never nor will I ever donate money to PBS... it's not because I don't support public television as an Idea, but I don't support PBS's weak nature. BBC has many many great shows, including the most watched show on earth(Top Gear). PBS has very few, and almost none of PBS's shows are actually educational, or informative, or even interesting... PBS is daycare, and crappy daycare at that. PBS needs to loose the wimpy hippies, PBS needs to learn proper business practices(for non profits) and PBS needs to grow a pair before it will be a "real", "grown up" service.
don't be sorry - whether it be a 12 yo or an adult - it's the us ; ok to have an opinion about anything .... we all just need to be sure what we believe is close to the truth.>> & glad the 12yo expressed so succinctly , though i strongly disagree.
WOULD TOM HELP? ANYONE KNOW HOW TO CONTACT HIM? : http://www.washingtonspectator.org/index.php/BREAKING-VIEWS/can-a-california-billionaire-who-got-rich-investing-in-big-oil-fight-big-oil.html
5/15/13 The Washington Spectator, Darwin Bondgraham -- “During an April fundraising swing through San Francisco, billionaire Tom Steyer reportedly leaned on President Barack Obama to nix the Keystone XL pipeline. Surrounded by other wealthy Bay Area executives in Steyer's Sea Cliff home, Obama also got an earful about the need to fund clean renewable energy investments. Steyer retired from his hedge fund Farallon Capital last year to get more involved in politics and philanthropy, with a focus on the environment. In 2010, he funded an ad blitz that helped scuttle Prop 23, an oil-industry law that would have sabotaged California's carbon reduction policy. Last year, Steyer spent millions more to campaign for Prop 39, which closes corporate tax loopholes and spends the money on clean-energy research.”