Your interpretation of Ms. Richardson's criticism is tortured at best. Please re-read the article.
Moreover, anything that is genetically modified to create a replacement product for something natural is by definition a "band aid fix." Calling the consumption of hemp seeds a band aid fix is propagandistic truth twisting.
You sound like you work for Monsanto or one of their contractors.
when david koch or sheldon adelson appear on this list alongside bill gates and warren buffett, i'll consider them philanthropists.
that's like calling the koch brothers ENVIRONMENTALISTS. they can say they are philanthropists or environmentalists, but their actions belie those claims.
Your words are dead on, the fact our country is headed down the wrong path- at the behest of delusional billionaires, Bankers, hedge fund managers, & rating agencies who don't go to jail. 400 ppm carbon in the air we breathe.I could go on & on.
An inept Justice Department-Jamie Dimond, Lloyd Blankfein. Olny a Robespirre type movement can clean-up this mess. As the government is paralyzed by the magic dust of quid pro quo corruption and power from the 1% delusional, elite, plutocrats... It's an indictment that can be proved! But, let's trash the planet and do nothing.
So sad, indeed.