Recent comments

  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   11 years 8 months ago
    Amazingly poignant
  • Reply to: Dissent or Terror: New Report Details How Counter Terrorism Apparatus Was Used to Monitor Occupy Movement Nationwide   11 years 8 months ago
    That the Kochtopus spends money on private thugs to keep away people they don't want hassling them is somewhat bizarre, it is as least somewhat understandable. What I find truly outrageous is that the police state and the surveillance state, under watch of the "progressive" Obama Regime, is spending billions of the taxpayers' dollars to monitor and oppress people and some people seem more upset about what private oligarchs are doing. Guess what people, you can boycott the Koch boys and others like them. Nobody forces you to give them your money. You can choose not to buy their crap. With the surveillance/police state, you have no choice. Are we to pretend that Team Obama is oblivious to what is going on?
  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 8 months ago
    First of all, ITVS is NOT an arm of PBS; while it contributes films to PBS, it is completely independent of the network. Second, the dispute about Park Avenue, which was part of the PBS national schedule, was between the New York affiliate WNET and had nothing to do with PBS the network which fed the damn film! This difference of opinion about Citizen Koch is between ITVS, an aggregator of independent films and a producer; guess what, this happens all the time...let me repeat, all the the TV business. I find it fascinating that ITVS, which has been a champion of independent filmmakers for years, has been completely ignored and disrespected by a handful of "news" outlets that can't get the simplest facts straight; and if you're going to trash PBS, shouldn't there at least be a quote from someone at PBS? Every one of these articles just parrot the same BS...I guess conspiracy theories aren't just the purview of the far right.
  • Reply to: PBS Killed Wisconsin Uprising Documentary "Citizen Koch" To Appease Koch Brothers   11 years 8 months ago
    YOU DO. That's exactly the kind of attitude people like the Koch Brothers want from Americans. These men were raised by a man who adopted a communist philosophy about business and now their possess immoral amounts of wealth AND POWER over far too many areas of our democracy. What will you say when they obtain that same level of power over YouTube and other key aspects of your freedoms. That's the danger in believing that Freedom is Free. It most definitely IS NOT and if you pull your head out of the well protected idea of what you believe American liberty & freedom to be, you will realize this democracy you are so falsely secure in has largely been purchased with millionaire money. this the reason the idea of United in the nation is no longer a national philosophy. It's now a battle cry.
  • Reply to: Congressmen Pocan and Ellison Introduce "Right to Vote" Constitutional Amendment   11 years 8 months ago
    I agree that every CITIZEN should be encouraged to vote. What I will NOT tolerate is dead people voting, people voting multiple times , convictedf felons voting OR NON CITIZENS given the privileges of citizenship by giving them the right to vote. If this amendment is ever written it must include provisions on how we identify who is and who is NOT a citizen ans staes must be allowed to clean out their voting roles and remove the dead voters. Let's improve the system so that people cannot vote twice or more. Your arguement of "college stipudents"--they can vote absentee at their home address, rather than voting twice once at their college polling place and again as an absentee. Seniors can easily get an ID. All of the seniors that the Dems carried to the polls-- how about carrying them to get an ID or help them vote absentee. There are very few voters who cannot find a way to vote,but mynfearnis those who vote multiple times.
