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  • Reply to: How the Government Targeted Occupy   11 years 9 months ago
    I was appalled when I heard the number of govt. operatives we now have, published in the Washington Post by Dana Priest (over 80,000), and read what her investigation had come up with: Congress does not know the cost to taxpayers for this, our now what I call: POLICE STATE AIN'T GREAT. All this going on while lied into egregious, unending wars are not paid for, and massively increase our national debt, too big to fail banks are bailed out with no restrictions on the bailout money going straight into the pockets of the CEO's, etc. evil etc.. Lots and lots we've gotta do to... UNDO THE EVIL COUP!
  • Reply to: War on Democracy in Wisconsin: Bill Would Enact Voter ID, End Disclosure, Limit Early Voting, Expand Lobbyist Influence   11 years 9 months ago
    Requiring DNA verification is awesome! Since only DNA would work for voter identification, then corporations couldn't be persons. Therefore, there is no corporate personhood and no Citizens United." Let's get back to true human-scale fraud at least.
  • Reply to: How the Government Targeted Occupy   11 years 9 months ago
    The Dept of Homeland Security and FBI answer ultimitly to the president. Mr Obama, we're finally getting to know you.
  • Reply to: How the Government Targeted Occupy   11 years 9 months ago
    The article is incomplete with out mention of the documented involvement of homeland insecurity in several major cities where they sent teams to train and supervise local law enforcement in how to marginalize and quash local occupation movements, supplied para-military support and undercover provocateurs. The success of these tactics in Oakland Ca., (who's mayor was first to admit of this involvement) and the ripple effects across the nation are evidence of the concerted and organized effort by our government to thwart free speech and thought in America. What was that thing they were sworn to protect and defend? It escapes me now.
  • Reply to: Federal Court Criticizes Wisconsin Republicans for "Peculiarly Furtive" Redistricting, Closes Case   11 years 9 months ago
    After spending over a million dollars of taxpayer money,all the while crying about money spent on waste like food stamps, housing and other extravegances, and totally emptying the patriots' donations for observed CRIMINAL activities,this is the result? "The extent to which historians,the media, professional regulators and disciplinary bodies, or any others may wish to take further action is for them to decide in due course." When is due course; after the Republicans totally delete Democracy in Wisconsin? Which of our states is next?
