Recent comments

  • Reply to: Environmental Groups Split on Illinois Fracking Bill   11 years 7 months ago
    I agree with the other commenters -- the claims by Illinois environmental groups that they would have preferred a moratorium and only reluctantly agreed to support a regulatory bill are revisionist history. In 2012, a regulatory bill that was even weaker than the bill that passed this year passed the Illinois Senate overwhelmingly with the support of Sierra Club, Faith In Place and other environmental groups. These groups were always looking to strike a deal and declare victory for themselves. If they had spent even half the time working with those of us downstate who are now in harm's way because of their bill that they did trying to pass it, the politics could have been different.
  • Reply to: U.S. Senate Votes Down State GMO Labeling   11 years 7 months ago
    Continue to press Baldwin and Warren regarding their votes against GMO labeling, and include the names of all Wisconsin legislators who voted against it.
  • Reply to: How the Government Targeted Occupy   11 years 7 months ago
    "Mr. President, we're here to congratulate you on your inauguration and to offer you our full and unstinting support -- just call on us anytime and we'll be glad to help you in any way we can. Now, here are the things you need to go along with, and the things you'd better not stick your nose into if you want to finish your term."
  • Reply to: Wisconsin: Open for Bounty Hunters   11 years 7 months ago
    You reference to the Washington State rapist that was released for only $3,000 down on a 190k bail... I could name 100's of cases where the judge has released a violent criminal on their own-recognizance and they have either killed or seriously injured a person, so to reference one case by a bail bondsman that obviously is not going to be in the business very long is ridiculous. Bail Bond companies owe nothing to the State of Minnesota if they did the Bail Bonds insurance company would have paid it and if they didn't both the Bail Bond company and the Insurance company would be shut down. I have been in the Bail Bond industry for 15 years in Minnesota and I have never heard of a bail bond going unpaid to the state. So if Wisconsin uses strict policies and procedures I dont forsee any money not being paid to the state since the insurance companies are required to have 5 million in a reserve account with the state of Wisconsin. I have also been called on numerous people in the state of Wisconsin on bail of $50,000 cash for help, these people were usually charged for some sort of drug case and in any other state this bail would be $50,000 to 100,000 bond where they would pay a bail bond company 10% or $5,000 - $10,000 and they would need a home or some other collateral worth the full amount of the bail but instead the Wisconsin judge is asking for a bail that fits someone accused of murder..... These people are innocent until proven guilty and they are forced to fight the charges while sitting in jail for the next 6 months and they very will could be innocent. Bail bonds has always been a family business and we take great pride in making sure our clients appear in court and if they failed to appear we would find them and return them to court! If we didn't our family's would be the ones to suffer the penalties. Bail Bonds is not a black and white process there is a lot going on with everything we do that you don't see on TV I strongly believe commercial bail bonds is what's right for everyone in the state of Wisconsin and I hope they move forward with it.
  • Reply to: War on Democracy in Wisconsin: Bill Would Enact Voter ID, End Disclosure, Limit Early Voting, Expand Lobbyist Influence   11 years 7 months ago
    Currently, Joe Blow from IL could witness as many ballots as he wanted. Legally. And he wouldn't have to travel by bus. He could stay right in Illinois and do it. Current law states that witnesses must be adult US citizens. The address listed for the witness doesn't need to be in Wisconsin. It doesn't even need to be in the United States.
