You are right about everything you said. I know, I was there during the time of illegal, not just hard to get, abortions. The anti-abortion issues that never stop are being funded by wealthy white men, many of them old, and the Catholic church who want to eliminate women from the workforce and from decision making. This group feels threatened by women's power and any possibility of making money. They continue to trap women and their children in poverty. We have got to join forces an stop this oppression. It is a huge waste of time and money on both sides of the argument. Let's move beyond this nonsense. There are so many other things that really need our attention.
Please don't vote for support anti-choice candidates. More women in government will help in most cases. Not in Michelle Bachmann's though. She's just crazy.
In the article she claims abortions were popular in the 60's. Abortions were ILLEGAL in the 60's and women were dying from hack jobs. Wake up. Abortions are down because we have provided our daughters with birth control options which many were not available when we were their ages.
The reality of survival for PBS, is some Big Shot donors keep a hook on their line of funding. It is what it is in the free market system.
The New York Times and Los Angels Times were swooped up by Tribune Inc also owners of the TV market in those cities. You can seek alternative sources like the investigative articles in Rolling Stone offering a view divergent from big media spin machines.
Of more concern is why an independent press can no longer protect a government whistle blower. The New York Times could publish the "Pentagon Papers" and protect Daniel Ellsberg. Today, Edward Snowden is going to be lynched, for doing the same thing that in 1971 was considered heroic. You could wait around a long time for the truth, if not for whistle blowers. The government did not release their "classified" copy of the Pentagon Papers until June 2011.
Here is the message I learned from this episode:
1. The cost of not obeying the open records law is cheap if you have donors to foot the bill.
2. You can delete requested public records under the open records law and retain your reputation because any settlement will be kept secret.
3. There is no apparent public downside, so go ahead do it.