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  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 7 months ago
    so since Mary doesn't want me to choose what to do with my life & body, does that mean she will pay my medical bills to have a child my doctor thinks will be dangerous to have? And I hope she will be raising that child as well, since I physically can't! And to think, all these years, I thought I was a woman, but since I haven't had an abortion, I guess I'm NOT! Good to know! And I hope SHE is paying for the psychological care I will need after having to listen to a doctor describe what they see on the transvaginal ultrasound? GOOD! I'll send the bills to her! anyone got her address? And I guess those women who didn't report a rape to the police weren't really raped, I mean we all know that every rape is reported & rape victims are always treated really well by police & lawyers, right? So why not add another place that a rape victim could be treated badly! I'm sure the people in the 81% of unreported rapes aren't going thru enough, let's add to that by saying they will have to go thru a transvaginal ultrasound, THAT WON'T CAUSE THEM MORE PAIN, DON'T WORRY! IT WAS PROBABLY THEIR FAULT FOR BEING RAPED ANYWAY! Forget the fact that abortions are legal, let's do whatever we can to make it impossible to have one. You don't want me to have access to birth control, you are doing everything you possibly can to stop me from choosing what to do with my life/my body--but you want me to respect your right to have as many guns (which kill people as well) as you want? And what if the abortion is medically necessary? Now my insurance won't pay for that? And you won't pay for my birth control? GREAT IDEA! And they passed the bill from beginning to end in 8 days? I guess there is no real time to research this bill because they are doing to much in Wisconsin senate! That is great! I hope that Governor Scott Walker is going to have a transvaginal ultrasound, since "ultrasounds are just fine"! I had to have one for another reason, and it wasn't like the ultrasound I had when I was pregnant--IT WAS NOT JUST FINE! I guess free speech in Wisconsin is not recognized, that's a shame! So you take way my right to do what might be medically necessary, and now the Sergeant-at-Arms is not allowing women to SILENTLY PROTEST HAVING OUR RIGHTS TAKEN AWAY! I AM SO GLAD I LIVE IN A COUNTRY THAT WAS BASED ON THE FREEDOMS WE SHOULD HAVE! The GOP is all about freedoms, except when THEY don't want you to have them! SO GLAD MY GOVERNMENT RESPECTS ME! The GOP believes in the death penalty? The GOP believes you should be allowed to own an arsenal of guns that go way beyond "protection"? The GOP believes in personal freedoms? The GOP believe THEY know what is best for me, better than myself and my doctor? As long as I'm clear on the rules, I would say that as a woman, I must be too stupid to make my own decisions, but since I haven't had an abortion I'm not really a woman--Glad I know where I stand in this country! I wonder where the GOP would stand if MEN were the ones who were having abortions? Would they be legal?
  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 7 months ago
    It is simply horrifying to see what's really important, the most urgent matter, to these disgusting pigs. Just stop calling it abortion. Call it cutting off a freeloader's food stamps. Because the truth is these jerks are obsessed with punishing women for having sex, and then look for every possible reason to punish the child too, once it's born. The people behind this are insane; dangerously so. They need removed from office. What's it going to take to mobilize us all to stop these sex-obsessed control freaks?!?
  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 7 months ago
    This smiling moron is a DISGRACE to her gender. The Republicans keep insisting that they are going to re-brand themselves and win a larger share of the electorate in 2016?? DREAM ON. You have just alienated the women's vote for your entire state, don't you get that?? Of course you don't. And the nitwit who introduced this bill had better enjoy the short time she has left in office, because she just voted herself out. UN-F**CKING-BELIEVABLE.
  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 7 months ago
    I have no opinion one way or the other with abortion so I usually keep my 2 cents out of it, but I have to ask, how can they call this ultrasound "invasive"? When it comes to abortion, is an ultrasound the real invasive part here? They also seem to be missing the ones who will be verified when they get the ultrasound and find out something is wrong and they're making the right choice. I don't see why it's such a big deal.
  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 7 months ago
    The only reason all this debate is even alive is that it's been long enough - and memories are either old or people have died! - to remember the horrors of pre Roe v Wade... Many young people, both male & female, were woefully uninformed about sex and birth control - the climate was just "wait until marriage" and there was no discussion. I had a friend who got pregnant as a freshman in college, when she had 2 mixed drinks at a frat party (the first time she ever drank alcohol). She had no idea she can't handle alcohol and passed out cold, at which point 3 boys carried her off to another room, gang-raped her, and left her. She had no idea what had happened - had to hear it from others at the party - and didn't realize she was pregnant when she began getting sick. She didn't even know HOW someone got pregnant, and had never done more than kiss one boy. The one clinic visit that identified her pregnancy was the only medical visit check she got; she wore tight jeans and big sweatshirts, and went to her classes. She was so innocent and ignorant she tried to abort the baby herself - by doing jumping jacks until she was exhausted, by running up and down the mountain to the giant "M" representing the town, and by stuffing cotton balls up her vagina to "suffocate the baby". Eventually, after school let out for the summer (at which time she was 8 mo's pregnant but didn't show as such) her parents found out about her condition. She wanted to know options to possibly keep the baby, since she was unavoidably having it, but in the climate of the times she was shipped off to an unwed mothers' home in Spokane, WA, and her baby was taken away and adopted out. Yeah, folks, she enjoyed her sojourn into 60's freedom! Give me a break! This is not a step forward, but a draconian step back into times of deep ignorance and cruelty.
