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  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 8 months ago
    I see you've never had a transvaginal ultrasound. Trust me... sticking a 8" long plastic apparatus up your vagina, having to sit there with your legs spread in front of a stranger, and having it shoved around this way and that for 15 or more minutes is pretty damned invasive. And humiliating.
  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 8 months ago
    You know Mary Lazich, just because your face kept you from ever having any chance in hell of getting knocked up, doesn't mean you have to go out of your way to humiliate the ones who do. I love how Republicans cry about wanting smaller government unless it's in regard to a woman's vagina.
  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 8 months ago
    If gov. walker, god forbid, ends up as the presidential nominee for the GOP in 2016, this will be his undoing. I guarantee it. 10 days to pass such a bill. Overreach of the worst kind. We will not forget.
  • Reply to: Mandatory Ultrasound Bill Moves from Conception to Passage in Just Ten Days   11 years 8 months ago
    It can be difficult to detect a heartbeat with an abdominal ultrasound, thus making an invasive transvaginal ultrasound mandatory. Many lawmakers and citizens expressed concern about the adverse psychological impact of a mandatory transvaginal ultrasound, particularly for women who are seeking an abortion after being the victim of a rape or after learning that their pregnancy is not viable. _______________ <a href="">Tattoo Designs</a>
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 8 months ago
    Corn tortillas are banned. look you wack jobs, the point here is that the list of allowed, and another list of banned foods is a complete joke. Makes NO SENSE. The purpose of this bill is to piss everyone off, screw up the works, and accomplish nothing of value to anyone. The people who came up with this list have no idea what they are doing. That much is obvious. But welfare for rich corporations is just fine. These idiots like that. This country has turned into a giant ponzi scheme. If you kicked half the people off of snap, the economy would take a big hit. SNAP is just a big subsidy for the entire food industry. But people gotta eat. Hard to work when you don't have food. Anyone who blows their SNAP on junk food finds out real quick that they can be hungry, or they can spend that money WISELY. The definitions of junk food in this bill make no sense. Period. That's what is wrong with this bill.
