I understand what you are saying but want to share this. I called my doctor and made an appointment for a pap smear and to check my body for any signs of moles etc. that might need to be removed. I go and he performs the pap smear. When I asked about the body scan he stated I needed to tell the desk clerk when I call what I was coming in for. I had done that. So next time I had a visit and requested the visit for several things. Once again I was not given all of the requested checks. So I explained that I had told the clerk when I called. Then he stated we are allowed so much time for each issue. Ok.. then make that clear and post these fees and time as they pertain to these various concerns. No one suggest anyone work for nothing but I fail to believe every issue is a 15 min issue or even a 10 min issue etc. So if there is time remaining that is my time and it should be used for my concerns. And if I explain why I am coming in then enough time should be allowed to handle all of my concerns even if it takes 40 min and you charge not an additional fee but an additional amount. Remember every visit is another co-pay and full charge to the doctor. There has to be a fair medium for all concerned. I do not see this doctor anymore for this reason and another one that I called him on. I respect the medical profession and expect the same. I do not go to the doctor because I want to be there but because I need a service in my best interest. They should be paid fairly but sadly there are many that are using the system in their best interest which is just wrong.
Yes, there needs to be a "real" regulation on what doctors charge for an office visit and the time allowed for that visit specific to the visit. There was a time that seeing a doctor did not result in just a specific issue but the doctor would entertain a question that might arise during the visit regarding another concern. And at one time you were seen for several things at the same time. Now they want you to schedule for every single thing separately. And if you are uninsured the doctors are charging huge amounts for a visit. How does $300.00 sound for a single office visit. Plus they are requesting cash. Does that lead one to believe they are hiding income? It is out of control. They have put themselves in financial ruin buying large facilities while the public can not afford insurance or visits and have decided food and shelter is more important than seeing a doctor or taking meds. Meds are also out of control. The pharmacies are loaded with scripts. No doubt the doctors get a kickback form prescriptions which should be illegal plain and simple. It is a conflict of interest without a doubt. The doctors are just waiting for the babyboomers to roll in to line their pockets across the next 15-20 years. Is anyone paying attention to this issue. Sad state of affairs for sure.
Somehow, thinking a transvaginal ultrasound is no big deal doesn't seem very consistent with not having an opinion about abortion.
There's I-agree-but-I'm-a-bit-concerned trolling and there's do-some-research trolling. Now I think we've got a what's-the-big-deal troll.
<blockquote>...just because your face kept you from ever having any chance in hell of getting knocked up..."</blockquote>
Women of all ages, races, classes, appearances, and political beliefs get raped and get pregnant. Lazich is helping to perpetuate rape culture by sponsoring this reactionary bill; please don't help perpetuate it yourself by using insulting stereotypes like this.
I am so very sorry to miss this year's Netroots Nation. It will be the first time since the very first one. My thoughts and best wishes are with you. You do such good work in keeping the public aware of the damage ALEC is doing to our democracy. Greetings to all of you, especially Lisa.