My beliefs on abortion are my own and as long as someone else is not trying to force their religion on me I respect their beliefs as well. A traditional ultrasound on the abdomen if fine. However a transvaginal ultrasound is very invasive. They basically push a big shaft into you as far as it will go and then to have the doctor describe the fetus to you would be tramatic to the point of sexual assult
I can't wait for this "moron"-torium to be removed. I was wondering if Times Square novelty stores sell caricatures of "Liberal Bubble Heads." Right! Let's pay more for our fuel, gasoline, diesel, oil and natural gas. Can't wait for that 5.00 per gallon rates to arrive. You can just purchase another 40k "hybrid." Hey remember Shoreham Nuclear Plant? No plant for Long Islanders... keep those utility prices high, tear it down, they'll pay for it because they are "environmentalists." How many billions was that thrown down-the-sewer? Than Lilco morphs into LIPO. Gee who did that? Was that Daddy C? You bet. Now the Governor conveniently forgets that he oversees LIPO (it reports to him) and then complains about "misfeasance" blaming management to oversee them by spending more of our tax money. all voted for him. "Touchy-feelies." Maybe you can get your hybrids to run on non-fat yogurt.