Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pushback Against Privatization Across the Country   11 years 8 months ago
    PUSHBACK is a PR term, it is intended to replace RESISTANCE, an actual word with heroic connotations. The very language we speak is being corrupted by rather meaningless and vague business-speak. Please replace PUSHBACK with RESISTANCE.
  • Reply to: Gov. Walker Vetoes Bail Bonds, Attack on Investigative Journalism   11 years 8 months ago
    The only reason Walker vetoed anything was to make himself look like some hero for re-election. It was all just a set up by his fellow GOP Koch followers. Probably another Koch agenda-all planned out.
  • Reply to: Bank of America Cuts Ties to ALEC   11 years 8 months ago
    Do we really HAVE any proof that they actually did so.....we all know that Skank of America isn't necessarily very honest, truthful or honorable. Look at how they treated those with mortgages!
  • Reply to: Don't Be Duped by the Sewage Sludge Industry's "Compost"   11 years 8 months ago
    I work at a sewage treatment plant and I can tell you that no chemicals what so ever are used in our plant. And almost all the bad stuff is broken down in a series of digesters kept at different temps, denitrophication, and ultraviolet light for sterilization. We currently land apply all of our sludge. It is a great soil conditioner (not fertilizer). And we are working on getting a pelitizer and have had many offers from fertilizer companies that want to use it and add their stuff to it. Many fertilizer companies are buying pelitized sludge (must be grade A sludge, there are different ratings and only class A can be put directly on the ground anywhere) and it is completely safe and EPA approved.
  • Reply to: Government Report Absolves ACORN of Voter Fraud   11 years 8 months ago

    You should understand the tape was highly edited to make Acorn look bad. So much so that the tape is a lie.
