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  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   11 years 8 months ago

    I'm not sure you could really call this a plug for smoking if it shows Weaver's character unable to wait even a second when she comes out of her avatar link -- not really a positive portrayal. And later Sam Worthington's character grabs the cigarette out of her mouth, saying something like, "Get rid of this shit, then you can lecture me." Maybe Cameron was just trying to express his own ambivalence.

  • Reply to: Pushback Against Privatization Across the Country   11 years 8 months ago
    State of Michigan said they would save 4 million dollars by privatizing the 150 caregivers at the Home for Veterans in Grand Rapids. The cost is now falling on our veterans who have protected and fought for us. The care is sub-standard , members have had as many as 18 different caregivers in the 3 months it has been in effect. State workers worked the same units to provide continuity of care. Private organizations don't know or,care what that means. Workers are paid at half the rate of state workers, with no benefits. They use the privatizing companies as stepping stones to better paying jobs! Not that I blame them, but it causes high turn-over of staff. Privatization sucks. For those that lose their jobs to it, for those who are used by companies to work these low paying jobs, and the recipients of the services provided by privatizing agencies!!
  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   11 years 8 months ago

    What could possibly have caused James Cameron to be willing to make himself, S. Weaver and his movie Avatar not only look, but also be both Incredibly stupid and and incredibly evil by being willing to sell untold numbers of impressionable souls down the river of slavery to nicotine? It was hard to figure out, being that there was no brand placement used.

    Perhap$ the an$wer can $imply be found in an article I came acro$$:

    ["I'm a smoker and I could not quit smoking," said John Cameron, brother of Oscar winning director James Cameron.
    About the time James was releasing "Avatar," John decided to get healthy. He took his first puff of an e-cigarette and got hooked. Now he's CEO of Safecig, an e-cigarette company.]

    This explains the enigma of why he was willing to almost ruin the movie with stupidity and probably why he lost best director for a movie that was in most other respects better than the movie that won. It was the shotgun approach, the more people hooked the greater the chance of pocketing a few more shekels. He deserved to lose for pandering to something that evil. Maybe what goes around really does come around.

  • Reply to: Pushback Against Privatization Across the Country   11 years 8 months ago
    John I read your link,I just couldn`t add it up,some things are missing.
  • Reply to: Pushback Against Privatization Across the Country   11 years 8 months ago
    Let me tell you share with you one of the most insidious schemes out there -- Historic Tax Credits. These are used by high rollers to keep from paying taxes at the expense of the public that usually owned the property outright before they got their grubby hands on it. In the hapless little town of Cape Charles, Virginia the town council sold our old historic school for $10 and gave the purchaser, a shyster our Richmond $41,000 in insurance money and a 75 per cent reduction in tap fees. And it was park property they gave away. I'm not making this up. You can read about it in the Cape Charles Wave on-line newspaper.
