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  • Reply to: Justice Denied: 71 ALEC Bills in 2013 Make It Harder to Hold Corporations Accountable for Causing Injury or Death   11 years 6 months ago
    You could at least get my name right --- it's Matt Fullenbaum of the American Tort Reform Association, not Mark Fullenbaum as you have referenced me in your article. Thank you.
  • Reply to: Keystone Academy: Where Legislators Learn the Etiquette of Serving Special Interests   11 years 6 months ago
    I don't understand why, in the middle of this article, you inserted the following paragraph: - TransCanada, which is a member of ALEC, sponsored ALEC's Spring Task Force Summit in Oklahoma City in May 2013, alongside other corporations with tar sands interests including BP, Devon Energy and Koch Industries. TransCanada's Vice President Corey Goulet presented to legislators at the conference during a session called "Embracing American Energy Opportunities." - This paragraph is confusing because it has nothing to do with the trip in Oct. 2012. The last sentence is poorly written, as you wrote "...Goulet presented to legislators...". Presented what? "Presented" is a verb with no subject here. This is not proper English. Even worse, is the error in the following paragraph: - Dimon stayed in touch with Adams' office over the proceeding months, providing his staff with further materials about Keystone XL, including a set of talking points stamped with the TransCanada logo.- "Proceeding" is glaringly incorrect. The word you wanted was "preceding", except that you really were referring to the months after, which is "succeeding". "Ensuing", "subsequent" or "following", would also have been good choices. You really should use a dictionary and a grammar book before you submit your articles. Is there a proofreader at PRWatch? If not, I would consider the job.
  • Reply to: EPA Pulls Its Punches When It Comes to Issuing Findings on Fracking   11 years 6 months ago
    As Kochs have paid people in EPA too, do you really think anything they do will be investigated?
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as "Junk Food"   11 years 6 months ago
    I am curious as to your education level. Did you graduate from high school? Have you pursued any type of specific training or education that would give you a skill or trade so that you don't have to be stuck in your "crappy minimum wage job"? I do believe that there are people who do need help, who have done all the right things to make a living wage and feed their families, however, I have no sympathy for people with 5 children to feed. Having those 5 children was her decision, not mine. I think the food stamp bill should allow organic, gluten free, etc., but the junk I see people buying with their food stamp cards is riduculous; bags of chips, cookies, ice cream, soda, cakes and other non-nutritional foods. Yes, I do think it's my business what you buy with your food stamps because I can't afford to buy that junk. Why should I pay for you to buy it?
  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 6 months ago
    Creepy!! When I was 23, I had moved to Los Angeles from Toronto. I was taking the bus one day and I had my motorcycle helmet with me, as my husband was going to pick me up at the stop in another community. Long story short... a woman with a mental illness came up in my face and started screaming at me. I was scared and didn't know what to do. I tried to get away from her. No one helped me, despite about 10 people at the bus stop. Someone later asked me why I didn't bash her head in with my helmet. That never occurred to me and I would never have done that. I knew that there was something wrong with her, but I had a mom that was like that with me growing up, so my own fears from childhood kicked in. With today's Stand Your Ground Law, if it applied in CA, I could have pulled out a gun and killed her? That to me is horrible. There are a lot of people that have mental health issues that are amongst us. Maybe even people you know. Is this what you want your society to be? Very sad.
