The WMD everyone talks about is the yellowcake George W. Bush talked about in his STATE OF THE UNION message in 2003.
"The British government has learned," Bush had said in his State of the Union address in January, "that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."
NOTE: We are speaking about uranium AND NO OTHER WMD. Yellowcake is the raw uranium material others call "uranium precursor." We are also speaking about BRITISH INTELLIGENCE on which Bush's words were based - read it again!
Now let's check the facts which, as in REALITY, fully contradict public opinion and media propaganda, as history is yet to be written:
Now the reader knows he's been lied to - and it was not George W. Bush who was lying.
Messrs. Nichols and McChesney- Please check out my website I have tried to codify basic constructs of logic and common sense for the public to use as tools to demand more from the media. The public can 'Call Them Out' when the media breaks the Rules, and vote on 'Cover The Topic', 'Ask The Question', or enter their own. It is a new site and I am building support still. I would love your participation & feedback! I am serious about this project. Thank you.
This is the effect of privatization of most public controlled assets. The cost of the services will skyrocket and wages of employees will decrease. In some cases there will be downsizing of employees and the jobs will be sub-contracted. This is all business and income for capitalists.
Command-and-control communists, marginally less radical nanny staters, and the plaintiffs' lawyers who tactically fund their respective propaganda operations would, presumably, prefer to have state lawmakers influenced only by the Natural Resources Defense Council, SEIU, AFSCME, AAJ and other outfits that support continued expansion of government and civil liability.
Well, tough luck, comrades. Because the First Amendment empowers Americans all along the political spectrum to freely associate and petition their government for redress of grievances. And one of the biggest grievances of those of us who prefer free markets and personal responsibility to crony capitalism and an all-powerful regulatory state is the extortionate transfer of wealth from productive businesses to parasitic personal injury lawyers and law firms.
So we're going to use any constitutional means necessary to pursue civil justice reforms at state and federal levels, just as the far left relentlessly pursues its anti-growth, anti-jobs and anti-U.S. competitiveness agenda. Whine and cry all you want, folks, and pretend that what we tort reformers do is somehow different than what the environmental radicals, thieving union bosses, and lying trial lawyers do every day. But you won’t persuade anyone who isn’t already a fellow traveler to join your cause, no matter how sinister you try to make the exercise of First Amendment rights sound.
Darren McKinney
Director of Communications
American Tort Reform Association