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  • Reply to: Justice Denied: 71 ALEC Bills in 2013 Make It Harder to Hold Corporations Accountable for Causing Injury or Death   11 years 6 months ago
    Amazing how blatant your words of right-wing rhetoric shows the most hateful of contempt for the average individual whether they are an American citizen or a foreigner. 1. The US is the most religious of all developed nations and it is of a fundamentalist nature in the main which encourages rigid thought and belief and discourages questioning and curiosity. 2. It is the only developed nation where people both fear and hate their government. 3. It is the only developed nation which retains to a large degree, the 18th century belief that poverty is self-inflicted. 4. It is a fear-filled culture, perhaps because of the religion, which encourages aggression. Fear is always behind anger and rage. 5. It is a paranoid culture to a much larger degree than probably anywhere else which encourages the obsession with guns which has made the US the most heavily armed and most violent country on earth. It is also paranoia and fear which has created a social subset called 'preppers' which you don't find in any other developed nation and which to outsiders is sadly, laughable. This same paranoia has brought Americans to believe that social welfare, justice for the citizens, which is enjoyed by the rest of the developed world and denied to Americans, will somehow lead to socialism which, in the US, means communism. The fact that the rest of the modern world has managed to introduce and run social welfare programs while remaining healthy democracies is probably not something the average American knows. 6. The society has been insular and arrogant for a long time, believing both in its exceptionalism and superiority and remaining ignorant and disinterested in the rest of the world. The internet is changing this but Americans have been fooled into believing for most of their history that they have it better than anyone else. They don't and they never did. And in this day and age they have it worst with the average American having a poorer quality of life than the average citizen in any other developed nation. If you cannot see the reality of your life then you cannot change it. If you believe that what you have is the best anyone has then you are less inclined to demand more. The average American still does not know or believe that they have the worst quality of life of any developed nation. This is particularly disgraceful given the wealth of the nation. 7. It has the worst media in the entire world which encourages ignorance, fear and paranoia. 8. Most Americans do not possess a passport and so have no knowledge of the rest of the world and therefore no perspective on how badly served they are. I have one question for the corporate bastards and their whores on both sides of the political aisle. When you have achieved your ultimate aims of indenturing the middle class, especially young people burdened by a lifetime of student loan debt, destroying the social contract and safety net, and ultimately impoverishing the fools who keep voting against their own interests thanks to the game you're playing on them, who is going to have the income to partake of your products, services and scams? Hmmm? Thus, the system, thankfully, devours itself. I can't wait to see if your comfortable, gated communities will insulate you from the dystopia you are creating. IMHO, I think not. Can't wait to see it either. I've got my popcorn all ready. When you have managed to destabilize ahd destroy society to enrich yourselves, one wonders whether you will experience the shock and surprise of discovering that you too were parts of that society all along and that you are not insulated from its collapse. This isn't about First Amendment rights. This is about shielding corporations from responsibility and protecting your profits at all costs.
  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 6 months ago
    Drunk people deserve to be shot? People knocking on the back door of the wrong house deserve to be shot? Someone walking their dog that walk out in front of a car deserve to be shot? You're a real winner.
  • Reply to: Justice Denied: 71 ALEC Bills in 2013 Make It Harder to Hold Corporations Accountable for Causing Injury or Death   11 years 6 months ago
    I find your letter full of hyperbole, but that is usually the case with republicans. I take it that in your wonderful world, there is no global warming, all union members are overpaid thugs and trial lawyers should not exist. As for the environment, you are a blithering idiot if you perceive that big business has not caused the problems. The only salvation for the working man is unionism. Trial lawyers are the only stopgap between corporations and the little guy. I suppose that you believe that great humanitarians like the Koch Brothers would be benevolent father figures if left to their own devices ? You're a fool that needs to have his head removed from his anal sphincter muscle. Kind of ironic that you utilize trial lawyers to strip any rights that may exist away from the little guy. Your ilk will not survive the dismantling of the ability to sue for tort damages. We now have the ability through social media to get the word out faster than you can buy tort reform. Good luck.
  • Reply to: Justice Denied: 71 ALEC Bills in 2013 Make It Harder to Hold Corporations Accountable for Causing Injury or Death   11 years 6 months ago
    Awww how sweet. You think that criticizing your efforts is somehow a violation of your 1st amendment rights. You truly are missing a chromosome aren't you? And parasitic lawyers? oh yeah that was imaginative. I guess you believe legislators are better able to determine civil justice outcomes than juries who can't be bought off. Corporations don't care about jobs; only profits. They'd replace all of us with robots or chinese slave labor if they could. No amount of PR BS from whores like your group will prove otherwise. The problem today is our manufacturing sector is being offsourced to countries like China & our tax code rewards such behavior.We have a costly health care system that compounds our lack of competetiveness.More and more Americans wonder how we will ever be able to retire or buy a house. Trial lawyers aren't to blame for that. But go ahead take away our ability to get redress through the courts (lord know we lost the ability to be heard by corporate-owned legislators long ago). Maybe we'll need to start pursing "2nd amendment solutions"
  • Reply to: Justice Denied: 71 ALEC Bills in 2013 Make It Harder to Hold Corporations Accountable for Causing Injury or Death   11 years 6 months ago
    Do what you are saying, asshat, is that it is ok for you to be a piece of shit, b/c everyone else is also a piece of shit.
