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  • Reply to: EPA Pulls Its Punches When It Comes to Issuing Findings on Fracking   11 years 7 months ago
    The Koch's or Duke brothers from the movie "Trading Places" stack the deck where ever they need. They are getting all this wealth from price gouging gasoline. Wake up America, your being screwed, blued, and tattoed and the GOP is the cause! Ditch Mitch and vote out these mouth pieces of the rich. They've all beeen bought. There are 14 Democrats that need replaced starting in La.
  • Reply to: Did Backlash Against GOP Voter Suppression Increase Black Voter Turnout?   11 years 7 months ago
    reportedly hispanics, blacks(because blacks are more likely to be poor), and the poor more likely vote democrat, because some republicans are pro-kill the poor and immigrants, pro-close the boarder, and anti-welfare. some democrats are more tolerant of immigrants and give some welfare. some republicans think if they close the boarders, kill and arrest poor and immigrants, and supress poor and immigrant voters by putting in voter id and discriminatory qualifications, then there wont be poor or immigrants to vote democrat. put in a new consitutional amendement that says: everyone in the country must be allowed to vote, includeing prisoners and babys. no voteing restrictions allowed. no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states. article XIV voter id law, and similar voter suppression tactics, abridge the privileges of citizens of the united states by disallowing many of them, especially the poor, to vote, because many of them are unable to or cant afford to get a voter id. plus it abridges the privilege of citizens of the united states to not have to pay and jump thru hoops in order to vote. voter id law is unconstitutional. tell voter supressors to stop the much bigger problem: politican fraud, instead of supressing voters.
  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 7 months ago
    Please cite documented examples from other than an NRA cite. Names, dates, news report, links, etc.
  • Reply to: Time to Repeal ALEC/NRA Stand Your Ground Laws   11 years 7 months ago
    "Did you know that according to the Bureau of Justice stats, that between 1976 and 2011, 269,000 black youths were murdered. And of those deaths, 262,000 were killed by other blacks." Oh, so we should look the other way if one is killed by somebody who's white? "If you knew anything about the Stand Your Ground law then you'd know that if you had time to shoot at a wall you had time to make another choose." Like maybe shooting the bastard and claiming he convincingly threatened to kill her right then? She already had an order against him after he'd previously done her violence, and he'd no longer have been around to contradict her story, just like Trayvon Martin. As she did choose to handle it, no one was killed but she still got 20 years. If you truly don't agree with this decision, there should be no "althoughs." The double standards stink to heaven, and Stand Your Ground has to go.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Hearts Ayn Rand   11 years 7 months ago
    Hi? I doubt that most of you (above) have a clue as to what Ayn Rand's philosophy is all about. It would help the debate if your did. Hearsay doesn't do the job. Jim Wright
