I agree 100% with your words, but there are many progressives who are trying very hard to point out the folly of the far right. They've been manipulated by our plutocracy to defend the honor of the almighty profit, not even realizing they are fighting against their own self interest. Their rage and hate has been turned on their neighbor when the real crooks have lined up giant vacuums to suck the money out of communities and leave the remainder for the middle and poverty class to fight over.
Take a look at the ALEC site, Possum Hollow. There is currently a big blank place where there once was a voter ID model legislation. Now that they're in the limelight, ALEC is taking another run for the shadows.
They don't operate so well out in front of the idiots they push into the spotlight.
I presume that by the "far left" you mean anyone who isn't content to allow the union of Big Business and the apparatus and power of the state to run roughshod over the rest of us.
"Well, tough luck, comrades."
What cogent prose. Surely a "Director of Communications" can do better than this.
"the extortionate transfer of wealth from productive businesses"
"the extortionate transfer of wealth from the productive populace to the vampire squid of Big Business"
Fixed it for you.
What we "far left" people want is a playing field that is not so heavily tilted in favor of those who can and do buy legislation favorable to their cause (squeezing every last cent out of us while maintaining and expanding corporate welfare, privatizing absolutely everything they can get their greedy hands on, stripping us of what little remains of our democratic process).
"and referring to a 911 operator as a law enforcement agency. Can a 911 operator make a person stop committing a crime?"
You're right. Everyone knows 911 operators are the NRA. That operator had a duty to tell Zimmerman to go ahead and shoot Martin.
Seriously, a 911 operator not representing law enforcement? You gun nuts just keep getting nuttier all the time!