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  • Reply to: Dick Durbin to Hold Senate Hearings on ALEC, the NRA, and "Stand Your Ground"   11 years 7 months ago
    If the DOJ is at all concerned by the fact that the ultra-rich in this country determine many of the policies put forth by our government, then it should by all means launch an investigation into ALEC and it's oganizations. The DOJ should be able to put them away in much the sme way that al capone was put away, seeing that they are not terribly different.
  • Reply to: After Zimmerman, Let’s End Stand Your Ground   11 years 7 months ago
    Correct me if I'm wrong "Relevance", but would Trayvon Martin have been either on top or on the bottom if Zimmerman had done what he was supposed to do and not followed Trayvon (because "we don't need you to do that sir" as the dispatcher said)?
  • Reply to: After Zimmerman, Let’s End Stand Your Ground   11 years 7 months ago
    Zimmerman set the event in motion the moment he left his truck. He reported and was told to not follow. The fact that he ignored that instruction and chose to follow on foot and confront matters more than who eventually got the upper hand. Or at least it should have mattered but according to the Florida Law nothing matters but who is left standing alive. I feel threatened after dark, in the rain, after seeking someone out, when I have no authority to confront and detain, so I can kill them. No living eye witness helps my case. Could it happen that way? That is the problem.
  • Reply to: After Zimmerman, Let’s End Stand Your Ground   11 years 7 months ago
    "He had no where to "Retreat" to with the 6 ft, 185 lb. "child" on top of him slamming his head into the concrete." IF it happened the way Zimmerman tells it -- and the only other witness is dead -- then Zimmerman could have said, "I give up, I was wrong to follow you, let me go, I won't bother you anymore." But then people like you would think he was a pussy, and we can't have that, can we. That is so much more important than anyone's life, isn't it.
  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   11 years 7 months ago
