Yes I have a problem with some/most unions. Many of them no longer serve a purpose. Unless hiking up salaries, benefits etc. and allowing insubordinate workers to keep their jobs is a purpose. Why do you people think that the world falls apart without unions? I have never been a member of a union, and I most likely never will be. I make good money. I live comfortably. I am treated with respect. And you are going to argue that those things occur because unions came into play? Maybe unions served that purpose in the past but that doesn't mean they are still necessary. You people think without unions wages get cut in half and chaotic behavior wreaks havoc in the workplace. Another unrealistic, unreliable outlook from liberals.
Mr. Williams has an article in this paper Every week,That alone should give some indication of where his mindset is that he is allowed to write suuch. That we can always depend on him to bash our President, anything that remotely maybe positive concerning his cabinet or of course; now on to bashing Rev. Sharpton for his part in the Trayvon Martin tragedy. Obviously, Someone must be making it worth his while as been alledged by many of the peo[le I talk with who seems to have some knowledge of what is going on within politics. His continual bashing of many blackers who are doingsomething to really make a difference is so annoying and embaressing. Talk about kiss---- up to certain parties.Really!!!! I hope and pray his brother was not cut from the same cloth.With leaders such as Armstrong, our people would still be out in the fields while he is up in the big house, alledgedly. Take a break and really look at yourself, Mr.Wiilliams.
This is mostly GOP politicians, right wing conservative think tanks, & lobbyists (as stated in the article) that have been operating with ALEC & the Koch Bros. for 40+ years. It all began with Reagan & his trickle down theories (Reagonomics), & which Reagan even verbally endorsed ALEC in one of his speeches. All of this can be referenced by reading on website, the Center for Media and Democracy site (CMD), as well as following ALL links posted in this article. The conservative right wing GOP is all about selfishness, greed, & inhumanity.
Pay attention, research & read, & vote every right winger out. Vote with your dollars. Stop purchasing products/services from these corporations/companies. The entire A-Z list is on the site. And don't do Koch products. Anything Georgia Pacific is Koch, for example... Brawny, Sparkle, Mardis Gras, & Dixie just to name a few. For every dollar we take from them the better. We have made them much richer, way past their inheritance $$, by purchasing from them which gives them more power. We might not be able stop them but we sure as heck can take away our dollars & reduce their power.