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  • Reply to: Who Is Behind the National Right to Work Committee and its Anti-Union Crusade?   7 years 1 month ago
    I guess we should have the right to stop paying taxes if we don't agree with the government leadership/ actions as well
  • Reply to: The ALEC Swampland   7 years 1 month ago
    It seems to me that ALEC is the one that needs to be watched out for. They represent the interests of the Oligarchy that feeds them money, not the interests of working Americans. Their goal to "drown the government" while feeding the Oligarchy on the backs of working Americans is treacherous in the least. Just look at laws that have been passed in various states pushed by ALEC owned legislators, these laws have not benefited the majority of people, just emboldened and lined the pockets of those legislators that helped to push them. ALEC is another cancer to our democracy!
  • Reply to: The ALEC Swampland   7 years 1 month ago
    The fact that over 30+ million people are now able to receive affordable health insurance via the PPACA, is proof that "the states" are not best at solving quite a few issues that citizens have. And let us stop pretending that "state bureaucracy" is any better or smaller than Federal bureaucracy. As for term limits, I would agree with them if WE can stop the gerrymandering where these politicians pick their constituents.
  • Reply to: Infighting, Legal Questions Slow ALEC Push for Second Constitutional Convention   7 years 1 month ago
    An Article V Convention of States is not a Constitutional Convention. Why would the Framers provide for that in Article V? They didn't. They provided for We the People to be able to rein in the federal leviathan when they won't rein in their own power.
  • Reply to: Watchdog Group Sues Utah AG for Withholding RAGA Documents   7 years 1 month ago
    Go Center for Media and Democracy. Reyes is bought and paid for by special interests. He could care less about "transparency" and "cleaning up the Utah Attorney General's Office." "Drill baby Drill" into Reyes' dirty dealings.
