When has any science been settled? Would You rather middle class American families continue paying @ least double for basic necessities? We're turning corn that starving HUMANS could be eating, into ethanol to be burnt in your engine,does that make you feel better? Criminals leading the blind(you) around with sensational claims appealing to your save the world mentality.. all the while the draconian shackles created by UNACCOUNTABLE-UNELECTED is now causing massive and real pains to the people your high and mighty religion/cause claims to protect.. Do me a favor,before you spew anymore of the same tired dis proven claims(97% and that anyone that claims agw is hoax is getting rich from oil company payouts), please spend a few hours looking at the many(although you claim few exist) scientists and physicists who offer a differing view(backed by actual science). Also note that a large majority of these folks were once AGW proponents!
p.s. Could you write an actual old school reporting piece representing both sides??? Simply go and ask your editor,but you probably already know the answer to that one! Is there consensus? Have you checked? i bet you took someones word for it,isn't journalism looking for the facts?
"The end of Democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when the government falls into the hands of the banks and corporations". Thomas Jefferson.
Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya ...
There are not many places on earth that are politically stable and where the oil is not dominated by state-owned enterprises -- most of whom would rather enjoy harming Americans by cutting off the flow of oil if they could.
At least in Canada and the US, the EPA does a far better job ensuring the safety of domestic oil. And we do not have to worry about a military coup or an "Arab Spring."