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  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 5 months ago
    What most vocal proponents fail to realize about the pipeline that will carry filthy Canadian tar sands through US territory, a pipleline that has seen catastrophic leaks in the portions already built, is that while it will create a respectable number of jobs during construction, the permanent jobs will number in the dozens rather than hundreds. In addition, that oil will never be "American." Oil is a commodity, it will be priced on the open market and sold by whoever owns it to whatever country is willing to pay the highest price. Canada wants to ship its tar sands through America because Canadians have prevented the construction of a pipeline across their own country to get to Japanese refineries. This oil will never "protect" America from gasoline shortages or price hikes, but the damage from the inevitable spills will ruin large portions of out heartland forever. PS Prudhoe Bay, site of the Exxon Valdes spill decades ago, is still full oil on its shore. The oil in the Gulf, rendered invisible through the use of so-called "clean-up" chemicals, is still there, damaging local property and businesses, poisoning the wildlife, and contaminating the shellfish we used to like to eat.
  • Reply to: ALEC's Chicago Conference Incites Protest, Multiple Arrests   11 years 5 months ago
    Yes - would you happen to have a list of legislators who are members? I have some nasty letters to send.
  • Reply to: Groups Charge ALEC with Tax Fraud over Secretive "Scholarship" Fund that Finances Junkets for State Lawmakers   11 years 5 months ago
    All around the world governments have been bought by the corporate elite. The USA is merely the prime example. If citizens just concentrate on individual flaws in the system they will never get around to considering the 'elephant in the room' - the political system itself. I term our various versions of political system in 'The West' as being a feudal democracy, where the few (politicians) rule over and control the many (citizens). This type of political structure is hierarchical in nature and allows the few to be bought and controlled by the super elite, and where the citizens have absolutely no opportunity to CONTROL the politicians. These political systems are NOT democratic and have never been so. The major flaw - feudal democracy - has to be tackled if we are ever going to have a political system which is actually organised for the benefit of the citizens. Here's a list of my blogs trying to shed light on the political system itself. The fact is that the ruling feudal elite are very organised and have a set agenda. Citizens need to understand the problem and be as, or more, organised - and even more determined, that they will not remain as serfs. 'They' are the few and we are the many but if the many don't start to think - OUTSIDE THE BOX - we will lose the battle.
  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 5 months ago
    You would continue to deny the facts. Even to the point of your own extinction that humans are the main cause of the current changes in climate. I looked into some affiliations a couple years ago and found that claims against agw were were mostly made by people with a financial interest in fossil fuels. And of course the faux news viewers like yourself. It's not your fault you're being lied to but it's your responsibility to find out why only 3 out of a hundred or 30 of 1000 continue to try to discredit the scientific community. And, why don't you attack the agw facts rather than the writer of this article. Funny even highly educated people backed by the some of the richest people in the world have yet to convince 97 of 100 scientists that it ain't happening. Please wtfu.
  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 5 months ago
    First off, I'd like to ask a rhetorical question. Are you retarded or just plain stupid? If you want FACTS, go to a government department website (any .Gov site; NASA, EPA, DEPT. of energy) they will all say the same thing. GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL, HAPPENING NOW & GETTING EXPONENTIALLY WORSE. Mainly due to humans because of idiots like you who don't actually look at facts, only what some other retard-ican is telling you to think. I just can't believe you would even mention corn oil and starving people. The US alone procures & produces enough food to feed 12 billion people, there are only 7 billion people on the planet and yet there's starving people in every city in the world. Think about that before saying stupid and ridiculous things. I hope you don't ever procreate and make more idiots like yourself.
