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  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 5 months ago
    Fish most any major river in the US., AnnaQ. You don't HAVE to worry about eating toxins in your catch. Close your eyes and cross a busy road; you don't HAVE to worry about being hit by a car. Scarcity of resources clean enough, healthy enough, may not be hitting hard for many in the US next week or even next year, but trend says it's coming. If clean resources or just plain resources concern you now you might rationally worry as well for something like an Arab Spring coming to a township near you. As to political stability, stagnant may seem stable at first. I'd rather hear most of whoms opinions from themselves.
  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 5 months ago
    There is no two sides to this subject Climate change is real and it's a fact and that's why 97% of the environmental scientists and every climate scientist who work on this agrees that it's a fact, by all the research that they have done. You need to realize you are not arguing with the scientists and the environmentalists, but their research results. What you are really trying to deny is nature, and the laws of physics of the way this planet operates. You cannot have that much carbon dumped into the atmosphere for the last hundred and 50 years, the vast majority by humans, without getting catastrophic consequences at some point. We have reached that point and are already well into the consequences of climate change.
  • Reply to: Cashing in on Kids: 139 ALEC Bills in 2013 Promote a Private, For-Profit Education Model   11 years 5 months ago
    I am a teacher in Chicago. Obama has been involved with neoliberal economic/social policies here since 1994. He began his public career by assisting venture philanthropy (the Joyce Foundation) and Mayor Richard Daley and the Chicago Commercial Club (his original and most loyal booster) as they pursued a city plan to "gentrifiy" African American poor neighborhoods through destabilization, i.e., pushing them from their homes, closing schools and medical facilities, and curtailing public services. He knows exactly what he is doing and which side he is on. Arnie Duncan works for him, not the other way around. I'm not sure, however, who works for whom when it comes to Penny Pritzger, his choice for Secretary of Commerce. Regardless, it really is time to stop with the "man of the people" hooey, especially when Abraham Lincoln's birthday rolls around.
  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 5 months ago
    So the planet is cooling. There IS climate change after all!
  • Reply to: A Side of Climate Change Denial with Your Coffee? ALEC Dishes up Some Hard to Swallow Spin with the Heartland Institute   11 years 5 months ago
    "long-range weather forecaster" What is that supposed to mean? A meterologist, which is what Bastardi is supposed to be, is qualified to predict the weather maybe ten days in the future. Does Bastardi mean he can predict the weather 30 days? How about 6 months in the future? The field that predicts long-range climate changes is climatology. Bastardi is not a climatologist. He is not qualified to predict the weather a decade in the future. There is no such thing as weather predictions a decade in advance. His talk about the earth cooling in the future means nothing more than if I said it. I have absolutely no qualifications to say anything since my degrees are in sociology and religion. His is in meteorology not climatology.
