Recent comments

  • Reply to: FDA Lab Analysis Puts the Heat on E-Cigarettes   11 years 1 month ago

    the only reason why the governement is against ecigs is because so much of the money our government makes is from tax from cigarettes. they cannot tax the ecig yet the way they tax tobacco because it is not tobacco. the ecig is substantially less expensive and way healthier for you. that is what everything is based on in our country: money. so if the government is loosing money by us CHOOSING a safer alternative, of course they are going to try to ban it with every excuse and as much propaganda as they can.

  • Reply to: Syngenta's Paid Third Party Pundits Spin the "News" on Atrazine   11 years 1 month ago
    He came to Kaua'i last weekend. What a jerk. He told young mothers that Atrazine was safe and it was only banned in Europe because of politics. He interrupted anyone who was speaking and lied repeatedly.
  • Reply to: Wall Street Journal Defends ALEC without Disclosing Deep Ties of Editorial Board Member Stephen Moore   11 years 1 month ago
    we need to stop reading this shit... finding out more and more every day that all brand name magazines and newspapers are completely controlled media spewing out propaganda. wake up people! you can find more credible sources for news on the internet. Goodbye WSJ!
  • Reply to: Approval of New Chemical-Resistant GMOs Likely to Prompt Pesticide Escalation   11 years 1 month ago
    On the heels of the USDA notice to approve isoxaflutole modified crops, I see Jill's article remains one of the few quality discussions of what is at stake in the GMO crop era. Great concise summation of the issue and the players involved. Steve Sprinkel Cornucopia Institute
  • Reply to: Time to Repeal ALEC/NRA Stand Your Ground Laws   11 years 1 month ago
    First of all, you really need to proof-read your comments. You sound fairly ignorant with all your misspellings and incorrect grammar. It's also quite hard to understand what you are trying to say due to your inability to properly express yourself. Secondly, you obviously are a right-wing conservative, so I am in a quandary as to why you are even reading anything on this site. But, if you become enlightened from anything you read here, all the better. I actually do know a lot about the "Stand Your Ground" Law and know it was passed by a lot of conservative Republican legislators in Florida who were coached by ALEC (and, yes, I have done EXTENSIVE research on this). This is a bad law and needs to be changed, but the chances of that happening are slim-to-none, given the atmosphere in Tallahassee with a Republican-controlled, tea-party legislature and a Republican governor who basically bought the office. If you actually did your research, you would find that blacks are more often than whites incarcerated for committing similar crimes. A stunning example of this is the fact that penalties for possessing/using crack cocaine were more stringent than possessing/using powder cocaine. Why, one may ask? Because crack cocaine is the "poor man's" cocaine used primarily by minorities and powder cocaine is used primarily by the well-to-do white crowd. Recently, the DOJ came to their senses and eliminated the harsher penalties for crack cocaine usage vis-à-vis powder cocaine usage. You really need to become a little more informed before making ignorant statements. Oh, BTW, I am a white woman, with extremely blue eyes.
